Title: Ballad of the Moon
Pairing: Jaemin, Yoomin
Length: Chapter 10/?
Genre: fantasy, adventure, angst,drama
Disclaimer: idea based on goose-girl fairy tale ~
Summary: Changmin has no control over his life as he's forced to leave his home to become the escort of the Crown Prince in a faraway land. Before he can even reach his destination, he's
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well honestly i wrote so many jaemin and yoomin scenes already but they dont happen until later so TT ahhg have to hurry and finish the in between scenes !! D: chop chop!
omogosh ~ what a fun plot! *_* i can see why u liked it and approve very much of changing the roles too XDDD hahaha we are such traditional jaemin lovers arent we??? :) *proud* hehe tho..would it really be okay to write it using someone else's basic idea? :S but since its a request it's probably fine right? and i'll think about the idea a bit and see how i can change it enough to make it ours :) (omg excited about it tho :P) tho in the original post was jae going undercover student? or is that ur idea? :) and ur idea about bullying too? keke bullying is a must have thing XD
either way i was really feeling like wanting to write a school fic recently XDDDDDD hehe tho i have an idea for homin school story jaemin is just so very dear to my heart <3 thank u for sharing the idea and lets talk about it more too!
i'm not sure it sent itself or not...:((
huhu me and my technoe blindness...:((
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