Title: This is the end Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Friday Night Lights Rating: PG Paring: Tim/Tyra Timeline: during “Pantherama!” Disclaimer: not mine Thanks to lip3384 for beta :) Written for Alianika
Title: Not here, not now Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Friday Night Lights Rating: PG Paring: Tim/Tyra Genre: angst Timeline: during “What to do while you’re waiting” Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 430 Thanks to lip3384 for beta :)
Title: Pain Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Friday Night Lights Rating: PG Character/Pairing: Tim, Tim/Lyla Spoilers: “It’s Different for Girls” Disclaimer: not mine Word count: 102 Thanks to half_a_second for beta :)