[18] gifs: the mentalist [kimball & summer]

Jan 24, 2012 00:23

[18] .gifs feat. Kimball Cho (Tim Kang) & Summer Edgecombe (Samaire Armstrong)

4.08 | "Pink Tops"

C: You give me something useful, I'll drop the theft charge.
S: Pinky swear?

I bet you just doodle in that thing, don't you?

So...that's enough to get me out of here, right?


Thank you, Agent Cho. Kimball.


S: You know, you really should do something about that back of yours.
C: It's nothing.


S: You're very invested in this "man-in-iron-face routine, aren't you? I bet I could make you cry like a baby.
C: . . .  I'll bet.
S: There may be hope for you yet.


What, you feel bad now? Roughed up the down-on-her-luck call girl?
Don't worry about me, I'm fine.


S: Kimball, for cash money I'd snitch on my mom.
C: What'd she do?


4.11 | "Always Bet on Red"

S: Ah...it's good to be back. Kimball Cho...It's been a while.
C: You're late.


S: How's your back?
C: . . .  It's fine.




Why don't you go get yourself a drink. This won't take long.

C: Hey.
S: Hey.
C: I didn't call you in.
S: Oh, Mr. Jane asked me to come in.



Seriously Kimball? A bit of overkill (hilarious overkill, nonetheless). I mean, the woman was in a police precinct. How far could she have possibly gotten. Now, lets, see. Seconds before, this woman shoved Summer...

+Feedback is lovely. :)
+Free to snag. Right click, save as...
+Credit renisanz. It's not necessary to credit with every use, just don't claim these as your own, as I spent hours adjusting the individual frames.

fandom: the mentalist, graphic: animated gif, character: kimball cho, character: summer edgecombe

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