Tuesday tweets

Nov 25, 2009 08:00

  • 11:31 @ Southern_Heaven omg...that is so freaking adorable. I must have. #
  • 19:09 creeping my followers "paradox" lists to make mine more complete... #
  • 19:46 ROFL...Fug the Photoshoot: The Dudes From Glee: tinyurl.com/ya7b8tq #
  • 19:58 "I mean, presenting yourself as the village griot is done, for me, with no more writerly credential than..." tumblr.com/xws48lqcf #
  • 20:05 REBLOG WITH: how you came up with your tumblr name - - fujiidom: the song swagga like us by TI, Kanye, Jay Z,... tumblr.com/xws48lwir #
  • 20:34 Photo: betternovembers: Word. Wonderful to find appreciation of Jim Parsons/salmon hoodie. :) tumblr.com/xws48mnne #
  • 21:04 my new favorite tumblr: menincardigans.tumblr.com #cardigans #
  • 22:03 wow..did not know Yvonne Strahovski had an accent. #
  • 22:05 I ~so need to catch up on Chuck. I'm still halfway through season 1... #
  • 22:05 RT: @maurae: I'M LITERALLY MAKING CHOKING NOISES. BOOM BOOM POW. bit.ly/89S8MC #Chuck #
  • 22:08 @ artincircles Yeah. I see now. Her American accent is amazingly well done, b/c I can usually pic up on if the person isn't really American. #
  • 22:20 Checking out the imdb page of people born in 1982. Weird seeing the actors who I thought were older...like Billie Piper & Allison Mack #
  • 22:21 . . .Enver Gjokaj, Yvonne Strahovski #
  • 22:25 ok, time to write... #
  • 23:29 I hope I'm not the only one who finds the efforts of parents to arrange marriage alliances through their children interesting and hilarious #
  • 23:29 ...for the sake of my novel. #
  • 23:39 @ fancollectrgeek Aww. Hope you get in next time. #
  • 23:42 all these new characters keep popping up. Enter Dresten, you handsome lad... #
  • 23:44 @ sinstral_pride Sad for NaNo, but glad you're not abandoning the story. I think it's something special. :) #
  • 02:58 @ maurae You're welcome. ;D #
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challenge: nanowrimo, fandom: chuck, twitter, fandom: glee

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