Monday tweets

Nov 24, 2009 08:01

  • 14:41 One of the best things about @sheldonpenny: reading the comments/squee on pics highlighting JP's *arms* #
  • 14:50 @ Southern_Heaven Don't forget the clumping... #
  • 15:05 RT: @pajiba: How the Twilight Phenomenon Doesn't Signal the End of Cultural Civilization: #
  • 15:06 RT: @smuu: Hollywood needs to take women, fangirls more seriously: #
  • 19:53 Good reference pic RT: @billprady Killing time during preshoots so I'm taking pictures. Above Sheldon's bed: #
  • 20:01 what's a popular chain bookstore in Canada? I can't remember the name of the one I went to in Brampton... #
  • 20:40 @ rj_anderson Yes! Thank you. :) #
  • 20:41 @ rj_anderson Working on my NaNo... #
  • 20:59 @ rj_anderson 24 #
  • 21:10 @ rj_anderson Oooh. Ominous. #
  • 21:23 Glad someone appreciated this post: #
  • 21:35 uhm...what do Canadians called casual athletic shoes? Sneakers, tennis shoes, trainers? #
  • 21:43 @ rj_anderson @alongcamecrazy Thanks. That was not on my list...;) Where I'm from they're called tennis shoes. Sounds country even saying it. #
  • 21:44 @ natash81 Running shoes it is. :) #
  • 21:45 ok. I need to get at least to 27k words before I can watch tonight's bbt episode. #
  • 21:51 I realized what my story was lacking: gaming. #
  • 21:53 Will probably request game suggestions later, because I've never owned a gaming system, but have played Halo, FFX and Mario Kart. #
  • 21:53 RT: @wilw: I successfully summoned a Pumpkin Cheesecake! I gained +10 ongoing NOM and -5 to resist eating more cheesecake. #
  • 21:54 @ Sereeena Why the "Oh" face? #
  • 21:58 why is it I can crank out +1k on fanfic no problem, but it's like pulling teeth with my original stuff? D: #
  • 22:03 @ Sereeena I know. It will really help my wordcount. #
  • 23:01 ugh...need to write at least 3300 words/day from now on to finish my nano. #
  • 00:13 @ hannastar29 It's doable. I'm still wondering how I managed to win last year. I'll just have to get to work over the holiday. #
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challenge: nanowrimo, twitter, movie: twilight, actor: jim parsons

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