Intro and Action Plan

Sep 29, 2011 18:15

I have a problem. Well, to be honest, I have several problems. Right now one of the main ones is sitting on my lap, eating a Graham cracker after throwing a screaming fit when I offered him a dinner of child-friendly sloppy joes and steamed carrots. Theoretically, he likes both sloppy joes and carrots (having eaten both before and enjoyed it), but lately he seems to think that nothing but Graham crackers are a suitable meal. I'm trying to work other nutritional options into his routine, reminding myself that toddlers can be picky eaters.

The thing is, when he gets into a protracted crying or whining fit, one of my first reactions is to immediately shove some food in my mouth. Certainly, emotional eating is one of my problems.

My son is 15 months old, and I thought I'd have lost a good portion of the pregnancy weight by now. The problem is, I gained 58 pounds. When you consider that I had previously gained 15 pounds back of the 70 I'd lost over seven years ago, you can see where that leaves me. About 20 of those pounds came off immediately after having my son. The rest, it's been a battle. I think I've probably lost and gained the entire 58 pounds, several times over.

Yesterday, as the scale crept back above the 200-pound mark, I swore that something has to change. I've got to change what I'm doing. I've got to stop letting fatigue get to me (nighttime snacking while I do my evening work has been one of my many problems). I've got to stop the emotional eating. I've got to find a way to be accountable for what I do.

So for this first week, a simple action plan: stop the nighttime snacking, and go back to marking down everything I eat in a food log.

struggles, snacking

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