So Far So Good

Sep 30, 2011 19:38

Last night, I did much better with the nighttime snacking. I've been following the Weight Watchers online plan since before my wedding four years ago (though I stopped during my pregnancy). I made sure to leave about 10 Weight Watchers points to allow for one reasonable evening snack partway through my work. For some reason, even though nothing else had changed -- I'm still sleep-deprived and working horribly late -- it helped to know that there were a few LJ friends giving me some long-distance support. I managed to avoid going back into the kitchen to stuff my face.

To be honest, I didn't want to have to report that I'd sabotaged myself -- again.

Today, the rain finally broke, so I was able to take my toddler for a 2.5-mile round trip stroll to meet a friend for lunch. I've found that walks with my toddler are just as enjoyable as walks had been with my doggie, Una, who passed away nearly a year ago. The big advantage: no need to carry poop bags (sorry, Una)!

I still remember how Una used to walk with a grin and sniff everything we passed. It reminds me to keep my eyes open for sounds and sights to point out to my Kung Fu Panda, who takes it all in from his stroller. As an added bonus, he sometimes falls asleep and takes a nap, which is difficult lately to achieve. You wouldn't think that falling asleep was a skill that must be learned, but it is, just like eating and walking and talking. Think of that next time you do any of the above, and you'll realize how much you've achieved without knowing it.

Working in exercise with my toddler can be a challenge, but walks are one thing we both enjoy. Sometimes, we walk to a park and play on the swings or roll a big, green ball back and forth. The other day, I even danced with him to Barney songs. If you had told me a year ago I'd be happily bopping to Barney, I would have said you were crazy.

weight watchers, exercise, toddler care, snacking

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