My lunch at Whole Foods
This afternoon, my toddler, KFP, and I did our weekly shop at Whole Foods. Our trip began by selecting our lunch from the food buffet, which we then ate in the dining room. I accidentally found a way to persuade him to eat his food. He was playing with the little trucks I keep in the diaper bag and had one of them say, "There's monsters coming through the walls!"
"Oh, no!" I replied. "Well, I heard that if you eat good food, it makes you taste funny to monsters and they'll leave you alone." Immediately, KFP sat down and began to eat the peas off his plate!
Our trip to Whole Foods has become a weekly outing. In the morning, I sit down with cookbooks to plan our menu for the week. Then I examine our cupboards and refrigerator to complete our shopping list. We try to get everything in one shop, because the nearest Whole Foods is about 35 minutes away. The rest of the week, I pick up items here and there at the Giant or at Martindale's, a little natural food store that's much closer. On the weeks our schedule doesn't allow for a trip to Whole Foods, I often get our food from Giant's home delivery service, Peapod, since they offer a wider variety of organic foods and humane meats.
KFP enjoys our shopping excursions. He likes to help me to find things and often wants to put them in the cart for me. Today, after we'd finished our lunches, we pushed the cart towards the produce section. I told him we were going to start with fruits and veggies. He said, "Yay! Fruits and veggies!" to the delight of some nearby shoppers.
I feel like I'm doing something right.