My hand, which is still very dry
Since I started the Virgin Diet in early January, a lot of the negative symptoms I'd been experiencing have cleared up. My depression, sluggishness and perpetual exhaustion have disappeared, replaced with energy and a bright inner spirit. I've felt as if a cloud has literally lifted from me. My bloating and gas have almost disappeared (except for when I was testing gluten and dairy, which seem to be problem foods for me). Finally, after more than two frustrating postpartum years, I'm beginning to lose my pregnancy weight. I've even had unanticipated benefits, such as the abatement of the urinary incontinence which I thought was my "new normal" after giving birth to a boy whose head is in the 95th percentile. And, possibly because of losing nearly 15 pounds, the sweatiness I was experiencing on a daily basis is all but gone.
The one thing that hasn't improved is my skin, which is why I can now say that it's unlikely the skin problems come from my diet. I've been aware for some time that it's a seasonal issue -- always being the worst in the dry, bitter cold winter -- so this doesn't surprise me. I've got to get back in the habit of using our humidifier, and I should probably invest in a second one for our super-dry upstairs (where I do my transcription work at night). I've also noticed that my skin is worse on days when I am in the pool: for my water aerobics class and for my son's weekly swimming lessons. I need to figure out what I can do about that.
A friend who also suffers from seasonal dry skin recommended Cortisone 10, applied once or twice a day. I've been using that, and it seems to have some good effects, though the skin hasn't completely healed yet. I am open to suggestions from anyone with chronic dry skin, especially anyone who, like me, seems to be sensitive to pool chemicals.
In unrelated skin news, the rash that developed on my extremities after being exposed to Sun & Earth laundry detergent has finally cleared up! I'm going to have to figure out what to do with the mostly-unused bottle. Maybe one of my friends, provided they don't have a sensitivity to it, might want it?