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I’ll just start with the link:
Game Trailers - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Trailer 2 Yeah, WoW, a game I haven’t actually played for about two months now due to my on going vacation from the miserable end-game. I have to admit, the trailer is damn sexy. However, it’s a trailer, it’s not game play.
Personally, I’m not sure if I’ll go back to WoW or not (most likely I will because I know friends’ll be playing it) but it’ll all be in the level 70 raid content for me. If the new raid dungeons turn out to be another bullshit MC/BWL/AQ-40/Nax just with 25 instead of 40. That’ll be the deathknell for my subscription.
I want the cool shit, but I’m not going to pay $15 a month to sit on my ass, farm reputation and/or gold, then have to devote 6 hours out of my day, every day, just to raid end game content.