Wishing Upon A Star

Apr 12, 2006 19:34

The wait is over- I have in my possession Fruits Basket #13! Squee! I don't want to give too much away because some people have not read it yet... but I will make some comments, just to express my joy-

1. On Yuki- I'm so happy that his character is maturing so well! I had hopes that Yukiru (Yuki+Tohru) was the canon match (Boo-hoo, not the case)but at least his characterization is not being skimped on. What with his Mommy-troubles AND the Student Council, it's all just making him stronger. That's good to see. (Gotta show my support as a Rat myself!)

2. On Ayame- I'm usually not this big of an Ayame fan, but his performance in this book was awesome! Way to stick up for Yuki, Aaya! (Plus, his outfit was so far my favorite of his. I'm impressed!)

3. On Momiji- let me get this out of the way first...He sprouted!!! That is to say, he had a growth sput between Vol. 11 and 13. Now he's taller than Tohru! Aww, our bunny's growing up, though he's not in "Prince" mode- still has those round eyes. :) Still, what a surprise...

3a. On Momiji and Momo- AWWW, they have the exact same wish. *sniffsniff* I like Momo very much now- she's a smart lil' kid.

4. On the whole Kureno/Uo situation- You've been waiting for this one;I know I was! Firstly, Uo, don't give up!! ::waves fans, encourage, etc.:: OK, onto Kureno. Intial drooling out of the way, he has a ...more complex personality than one would realize at first glance. One panel, he's brisk and stern, the next he's laughing at a joke. Still, that's no excuse for being mean to Tohru! Tsk tsk! But overall, he looks sad. I couldn't say what happens next- does he pick up the paper? Does he keep wishing? ::shrug:: One last opinion on him- he touches Tohru more than I expected he would (no, not in a naughty way! Just in general, he's more tactile.)

5. Grab-bag: Still not liking the Student Council much. Trying to find "When You Wish Upon A Star" on a CD somewhere. And my deer have a cameo in this book! Sorry for the long wait between fixing this!

And now to commence pining for #14- just four months to go...

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