Modifications notes

Jan 12, 2009 14:34

This note is important in order to understand the way I play him as I do. Lj cut for spoilers.

Notes of modifications and history

- Canon history, after Original Ion's death in Gaiden.

- As his tags shows, Ion showed up on Zelore on 6/3/08. At that time, I was experimenting to get a handle on his voice. He's discontinued on 6/6/08 as I went on to focus on the fonon_master.

- fonon_master begins his new life in luceti on 3.7.08. He is 12. That is the mark of his birthday or anniversary to keep up with his age. In July '08 Ion left to make a home in talesofdressing. His (tags). He is deceased in late December '08. Reason is unknown and a total mystery. He died alone. Body is never found.

- Journal rendthescore is reused again to continue fonon_master's legacy to some extent. Ion will lie, denying some parts of what he knows. At first, I was reluctant to continue fonon_master storyline and then I was thinking...what the heck, I'm free to do as I like. Plus, under that account, he interacted with a lot of characters to developed a personality, so I carried that over.

- Continuing in a different body, he's now 12 going on 13 and he's growing bigger. His awareness of his growing body causes a great intellectual conflict in him.

I have my reasons for modifying Ion this way. If you followed me so far, then I assumed you know how Ori!Ion met his end in the Gaiden. I figured it's because of that reason that Ori!Ion is hard to play because casting spells will cut down his lifespan and makes him very tired. He won't last any longer to develop potential long-lasting friendships and relationships.

- Ion died twice. One time in the Gaiden and the second time in Zelore. This third time, he's given a new body so he can grow older.

- I like playing Ion without worrying he's going to die in a year.

- However, Ion will always predict the end of his mortality. It's actually fun for him to guess and predict.

- I am very, very curious in how Ion will develop as a person when he discovered his new longetivity. Since not many players had tried this.

- If you want to argue that the circumstances is unrealistic, my only rebuttal is...this is fantasy. "Fantasy are stories about the impossible; not just things that are impossible now, but things that will always be impossible. 1." Lawrence Watt-Evans. No matter what universe you play in, the only thing that is basic human emotions and motivations.
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