Okay, I know that any of you who care already know everything you want to know from E3. This is why I'm going to tell all of you other people, who don't care, just how excited I am.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! This is going to be spectacular and makes such amazing use of the Wii remote it's amazing. I can't recall ever playing a Zelda game that failed me (Although all of the sailing at the beginning of the Wind Waker was awful), and this is looking like it's going leaps and bounds above everything... perhaps, dare I say, Ocarina of Time. Learning about the speaker in the Wii remote, the fact that the nunchuka attachment has its own motion sensing capabilities is absolutely amazing. These features will give developers a chance to really shine and a chance for gamers to have an experience they've never even dreamed of.
Madden! The control scheme is amazing. I don't see how this could be anything but way more entertaining than Madden has ever been, not to mention far more interesting to watch people play.
Super Smash Bros: Brawl. Except it doesn't at all, since SSB:B isn't even going to use the Wii remote. But you know what? It doesn't matter, because it looks so freaking amazing and was ridiculously good without it. The addition of the new characters (Namely Snake and Zero Suit Samus as far as I'm concerned) is super fun, the gameplay will be the greatness we've come to expect from the SSB franchise, and the graphics are going to be great. I've got nothing but confidence here.
Also quite awesome is that Square Enix is bringing not one, but
TWO titles to the Wii: Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors and Chrystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. This is good, good news to Nintendo fans who hated the fact that the Gamecube didn't have shit to play in the RPG department.
The level of gaming Nintendo is bringing to us with Wii is a level we've never dreamed of, and I can't wait to get my hands on one of those oddly-named mother fuckers.
Unfortunately, the
Playstation 3 isn't looking so hot. The price is out of its mind (600 dollars for the real system - and we all freaked out when Xbox 360 was 400) and the features aren't even that good. The blu-ray format is an advantage, but you can't even watch the movies on the $500 piece of shit version. I mean, it's Playstation... the games will be good, and there's nothing particularly wrong with the system, but the engineering was done poorly and Sony is going to hurt itself a lot with that price tag.
Sony's controller, in a blatant ripoff of Nintendo, will also have a tilt sensing capability. It's not as good of one (fact, not opinion) since it only has a 6 axis capability. The whole idea is sort of shoddy and so clearly a rip of the Wii remote that it sort of makes me sad. This was supposed to be the "surprise" of the system. It's really not that amazing.
Still, my excitement is high, as I was never intending to buy a PS3 anyway. Huzzah!