Interview Meme Thingy

Apr 27, 2006 17:20

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Do me! Do me NOW!", Okay you can say "Interview me" if you want.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.

Questions from corellianjedi:

1. What's your favorite album ever?
Jesus... you're killing me here. But... not that this couldn't change at the drop of a hat, but I will have to say Pearl Jam's No Code at the moment. Damn, that's a good album.

EDIT: I got Pearl Jam's self-titled album last Friday, and it's giving every album a run for its money. I need to listen more to verify... but damn, it too is a good album!

2. If you could have any job, and money/income wasn't an issue, what job would you have?
Well, the career I'm looking into I'm actually really excited about. I want to go into College Student Personnel, and be like an RD/VP of Student Affairs/Dean of Students or something like that. But if I could do anything, I would probably want to be an athlete of some sort. Maybe a football player, a skier, or an ultimate frisbee champion. For how little I play sports, I swear to God I could do nothing but play sports for the rest of my life and be happy.

3. What's your favorite episode of Sports Night?
My favorite episode is probably... well, I'm going to pick two. Just for kicks. One from season one, and one from season two. And my season one picks aren't going to be "Shoe Money Tonight" or "Dear Louise" simply because we've talked about them... so besides those...

1x18, "The Sword of Orion," is a great episode. I love the way Dan acts about the Orlando Rojas ordeal, and Jeremy's boating thing entertains me. Also 1x11, "The Six Southern Gentlemen of Tennessee Tech," only because of Issac's speech. It gives me goosebumps when that man gives a speech.
2x15, "Celebrities," is just a great episode. I think it's the best of Season two. Jeremy's interaction with... crap, her name escapes me, but it was a lot of fun. Good episode. 2x5, "Kafelnikov," is also pretty damn good.

Okay, so that's more than my favorite episode... but I just love the show so damn much, I couldn't pick one.

4. If you could play any instrument really well, what would you play?
Well, most likely piano. I love the sound piano makes, and it can often lend itself to a greater understanding of music as a whole. I'd also really enjoy being a drummer... because I try to be now and it entertains me when I suck, so it must be really fun when you're good.

5. What is your favorite book that is not by JRR Tolkien?
My favorite book... just as tough as favorite album, if not tougher. I'll make a list of three, because I refuse to answer any of your questions with only one answer. Also, none of these are my favorite books. But they all are. I've read so many books that I've loved so much, trying to list my favorite book with 10 books would be impossible... I know you know the feeling, Lizzy.

-The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler for some reason is sticking out to me at the moment. I read that book and I instantly loved it, and I look back on it rather fondly. Oh, the events of kids under the influence of Absinthe.
-In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is a masterpiece of literature. The writing is amazing, and the story never ceases to hold your interest. For the love of God, read it.
-The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Okay, that's a joke... I love Mr.Milo, but the hell with him for making us read that. Seriously, I'll just say The Cheese Monkeys by Chip Kidd. Just damn... it's quite a good read.
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