Yule Feast Complete.

Dec 11, 2013 23:52

Arrived at the Longbranch Community Club 730ish am last Saturday morning. Theodoric and Gabrielle were sitting in their vehicle protected from the near 15º temps and biting wind, the people coming to open the place up, still had not arrived. A few phone calls and about 30 some minutes later, someone with a key finally arrived. No heat within the building, it was as cold inside as it was outside, not sure it ever got warm in the main hall all day. The kitchen on the other hand, was a great deal better off.

First things first. Getting everything unloaded from peoples vehicles, then the cooking could commence. I was on tap for dinner rolls for the feast, and I needed to get them going, I was very interested in getting started, since I had never made rolls for that many before, ever. The portuguese biscuits and the genovese tarts were made from scratch at my house the week prior to the event, so there was no worry about them.

As the dough was rising in my new 5gallon bread buckets, I got the still-frozen chicken breasts unpacked and starting to thaw, the game hens (for the high table) were set atop the oven to thaw. Many hands make light work, and so with several volunteers we got the vegetables chopped and the lamb cut and prepared for their respective dishes. Everything went swimmingly. A good serving crew made life easy peasy getting the food out to the awaiting hordes. By the time the desserts went out people were well stuffed.

HL Rycheza's (kitchen mob boss) ran a smooth working kitchen with ease. Simply love working with her.

cooking, sca, yule

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