Feb 23, 2012 22:15
I'm back!
Better than ever, getting happily motivated to get things done around the farm. Rikke has been an absolute trooper since I have been laid up, even more than usual. She took goodly care of me when I could hardly move after surgery and is still going strong. She has been working her tail off outside with the refurb of the herb garden, the goats areas, the yard (and if you have never been here, we have some yard). Rikke is the bomb!
Garden has been run over with the disc harrow for the second time since November, time for a loverly application of manured compost and one final discing next month and for the most part we will be ready to go. Some early plantings will go out into the big garden the first week in March (possibly next week, depending on the weather), broccoli, and lettuces are looking good in the greenhouse, the onions area always slow, but coming from seed, they have a long way to go yet.
Peppers, eggplant, more lettuces, more brassicas are to be planted this evening, all of the trays are prepped (by me earlier) and are staged waiting for the seed lady.
Must get the electrical set up for the heat mats, the peppers are not cool weather fans, they want it to be tropical !!
Enjoy your evening! If you wish to stop by the farm and take a looksee at the goings on, give me a call or send me a text and I will see yas then.
the daily farm,