(no subject)

Mar 01, 2005 21:56

Hello, all. Sorry that it has been so long, but really you could not have expected better.

This week is rather horrible in nature...it would seem the universe is against me. I should really be writing papers, reading, and studying for multiple tests, but yes...I'm just too far gone to care about it now. Nothing can be done for me.

So yes, my confirmation retreat was this weekend. It was actually rather bad at first...didn't know a lot of people, felt rather out of place. I actually found friends toward the end, so that made it far better.

The highlight of the trip, I must say was the duct taping activity. (Oh yes, I know you wait with baited breath) We had a competition in which they had the smaller people (ie. me) stand on a chair against the wall. They proceeded to duct tape us and pull the chair away to see if we would stay. I proudly tell you that my team won said competition, as I could not even pull myself off of the wall given the large quantity of tape (it did not smell pleasant). They took me down but had to catch me as they had taped my legs together. One of the more interesting activities I've participated in I must say.

I haven't much more to say, and I am quite pressed for time. I will tell you however a few thoughts that I have been pondering today:

First, February is screwed up in its spelling and missing days every now an then. There's really no logic going on there. (supid Caesar)

Second, there is something distinctly wrong with "dog years." (enough said)

Finally, has anyone ever noticed that there is no one word for the past tense of braking in a car (as in stepping on the brake pedal)? It's not braked, it's not broke...I don't know, just wondering. Please share your thoughts if you have insight.

And with that I leave you with one piece of wisdom given to me by a teacher: "If you can't win, don't even bother trying." Words to live by I must say.
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