Title: Deep in my Daydreams
remuslives23Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Blaine/Kurt, Blaine/Mr Martinez (fantasy)
Word Count: 1845
Summary: ‘He was sexy,’ Kurt murmured, lips moving against Blaine’s temple as he spoke. ‘Not as sexy as you but really sexy.’
Notes: Unbeta’d. Please forgive any mistakes. Title from ‘Fantasy’ by Mariah Carey
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I could see Kurt having a fantasy like this after his reaction to seeing Mr. Martinez. That 'oh god yes' he uttered when wanting to hear him sing led to all kinds of sexy thoughts. I'd have a more coherent thought than that but my brain iz melted. *giggles*
*squee* You have Kevin/Scotty gifs, can I borrow them? I totes love them!
I nicked them from Tumblr so feel free to nick them from me. They're bigger than they appear on the sidebar, though. I think I have some more somewhere. I'm going to look for them and come back if I find any.
Yay, thank you! *hugs* I wish they hadn't cancelled B&S, I miss them. :(
( ... )
Now I gotta figure out how to put these on my journal, lol.
<* img src="url here (I use LJ scrapbook or photobucket)"alt="name of gif here" height="?px" width="?px"/ *>
(take out the stars) My gifs are 100px x 170px but I have a big sidebar so you might need to fiddle with the sizes.
Good Luck!
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