Title: Deep in my Daydreams
remuslives23Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Blaine/Kurt, Blaine/Mr Martinez (fantasy)
Word Count: 1845
Summary: ‘He was sexy,’ Kurt murmured, lips moving against Blaine’s temple as he spoke. ‘Not as sexy as you but really sexy.’
Notes: Unbeta’d. Please forgive any mistakes. Title from ‘Fantasy’ by Mariah Carey
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Now I gotta figure out how to put these on my journal, lol.
<* img src="url here (I use LJ scrapbook or photobucket)"alt="name of gif here" height="?px" width="?px"/ *>
(take out the stars) My gifs are 100px x 170px but I have a big sidebar so you might need to fiddle with the sizes.
Good Luck!
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