eclecticmuses May prompt: Staircase picture

May 27, 2008 23:28

stairs || 290 words || t

"No," Remus hissed, grabbing James by the wrist because he was the closest. "We have no idea where those stairs lead. There could be some kind of murderer up there for all you know. Some freak with boys our age all cut up into manageable pieces and stored in his freezer for later consumption or something mad like that."

Peter had what Remus thought of as the decency to look at least mildly alarmed. But James and Sirius both rolled their eyes. As a matter of fact, Remus got the sinking feeling that what he had said had actually made Sirius even more interested in exploring the unknown territory.

"Moony," James said, using a tone that made it clear that he thought Remus was perfectly paranoid and not in a way that made things fun, "every good cannibal knows that boys our age are rangy and gamy and not at all good for a proper meal. Especially when frozen. We're almost acceptable fresh, but certainly not frozen."

Peter looked even more alarmed. Remus suspected this was because Peter was definitely not rangy and looked as if he might taste a bit like a tender pork roast if cooked properly.

Remus crossed his arms over his chest and stood there with a stubborn look on his face. "I'm not going up there," he said firmly.

"Chicken," Sirius chided.

"Yes, I suspect that's exactly what the murderer upstairs would think I tasted like. And you two will taste like some sort of beef, since you're both stubborn as an ox," Remus shot back.

James and Sirius laughed and Remus had to struggle to keep from smiling at the pride he always felt when he said or did anything that they approved of.

*eclecticmuses, ~james potter, # hogwarts, ~peter pettigrew, ~sirius black, !fic-style answers

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