
Sep 01, 2015 20:20

( preface. )

about this party ▶ ▷ ▶ more than you ever need to know

Jackal trains like a madman. That in itself is no exaggeration. It just so happens that he tends to put his other responsibilities above training, and therefore only conducts training when he can slot it into his schedule. When he does train, though, he really does train like a madman-- partially because it's Rikkai's policy not to suffer any loss of any kind, and partially because if he doesn't train his pokemon to their maximum potential when he can they'll never gain levels otherwise. Therefore, his pokemon gain about five levels a week, every week, save for the weeks where he's off rescuing Akaya, or the weeks where he's working like a madman to pay for the damages caused to some poor smuck's house or another, or the weeks where he's...

Actually, it's best to say that they only gain five levels a week whenever they can.

On another note, he names all of his pokemon after brands of coffee, and is completely unashamed of the fact.

( party. )

Numel ▶ ▷ ▶ Cassiano

gender ▸ male
level ▸ 25
ability ▸ oblivious
nature ▸ relaxed

A camel whose only love in life is to eat. Cassiano is slow, lax and ordinarily friendly with strangers. He has a simple outlook on life, and rarely finds the need to go out and about of his own comfort zone. He likes pets and cuddles, but doesn't particularly strive for attention. In a way, he's a fairly independent creature. On the other hand, as soon as food enters the equation, he turns into a different camel. Almost in a perpetual state of hunger, he'll eat just about anything and anything until either someone intervenes or he hits food coma.

( 08.24.2011 ◂ starter )
( 5/5 ◂ weekly levels )

✓ growl
✓ tackle
✓ ember
✓ magnitude
✓ focus energy
✓ take down
✓ amnesia

Beedrill ▶ ▷ ▶ Caboclo

gender ▸ male
level ▸ 13
ability ▸ swarm
nature ▸ brave

Kind of an enthusiastic creature. As a small bug, Caboclo has always been incessantly curious and fascinated by the world around him. After a bout of evolution that ended with him being inactive in all senses of the word, he's grown to be a sort of an impatient-- something reflected in his haste to explore the world as a giant doom!bee. However, he's loyal to a fault, and while he's not the most intelligent creature out there, he obeys his trainer to a tee. He has a habit of hovering and buzzing around his trainer as his attempt to compensate for not being able out due to the state of his needles, though he doesn't seem to understand that he's getting in the way half the time.

( 09.10.2011 ◂ caught )
( 09.17.2011 ◂ evolution #1 )
( 09.24.2011 ◂ evolution #2 )
( 5/5 ◂ weekly levels )

✓ poison sting
✓ string shot
✓ harden
✓ fury attack
✓ focus energy

Slowpoke ▶ ▷ ▶ Sobesa

gender ▸ female
level ▸ 16
ability ▸ own tempo
nature ▸ relaxed

Kind of a pink lump in all senses of the description. Jackal originally came into acquaintance with her species up after a misunderstanding with the price-list at the breeding center. He picked her up because he felt a little sorry for them, feeling that they must've been misunderstood in some way or another-- though nothing quite prepared him for just how much of a slow, pink lump she turned out to be. Sobesa enjoys eating, sleeping and staring off into empty space on off-days. However, Jackal believes that she has great potential, and is very fond of her, often letting her sit drape herself over his head while he works. He considers it weight training. At the very least, she keeps the sun off.

( 09.13.2011 ◂ obtained )
( 5/5 ◂ weekly levels )

✓ curse
✓ yawn
✓ tackle
✓ growl
✓ water gun
✓ confusion

Wartortle ▶ ▷ ▶ Damasco

gender ▸ male
level ▸ 16
ability ▸ torrent
nature ▸ impish

Not a particularly reliable pokemon. Despite the implications behind the sturdiness of his shell and the old-age of his species, Damasco is at best described as a 'delinquent'. He enjoys being able to produce waters at high velocities, and doesn't hesitate to show off just what that means in the grand scheme of things. On the other hand, Jackal just thinks of it as another way to save on the water bill, despite his reservations of using water that came out of a turtle's mouth. Despite being a turtle, he eats like a horse.

( 09.13.2011 ◂ obtained )
( 09.22.2011 ◂ evolution #1 )
( 5/5 ◂ weekly levels )

✓ tackle
✓ tail whip
✓ bubble
✓ withdraw
✓ water gun
✓ bite

Onix ▶ ▷ ▶ Campeão

gender ▸ male
level ▸ 22
ability ▸ study
nature ▸ timid

The world's largest scaredy-cat, quite literally. Despite his larger-than-average size and carrying capacity of a very large dump truck, Campeão has a tendency to squirm away at high speeds whenever something strange and foreign approaches without sufficient warning (where 'strange and foreign' is synonymous of the house cat and 'sufficient warning' is the bleat of a fog horn). He makes multiple attempts at hiding behind Jackal despite dwarfing his poor trainer by god knows how much. Recently, he's discovered that if he ducks his head in a hole in the ground, the scary thing won't be there anymore. Mysterious potholes the size of a onix's head have appeared around the tennis clubhouse as a result. Jackal has been making progress in keeping him out of the tennis courts.

( 08.21.2011 ◂ obtained )
( 5/5 ◂ weekly levels )

✓ mud sport
✓ tackle
✓ harden
✓ bind
✓ screech
✓ rock throw
✓ rage
✓ rock tomb
✓ smack down

Ponyta ▶ ▷ ▶ Letícia

gender ▸ female
level ▸ 03
ability ▸ flash fire
nature ▸ calm

Calm to the point of placidity, it takes a lot to ruffle this pony's metaphorical feathers. Born with a certain quirk to her lips, she generally has a semblance of what can be recognized as a smile on her features (it makes you wonder what she's up to). A watcher, not a doer, she spends an inordinate amount of time doing just that-- watching, her beady eyes unnerving in the way they track motion.

Beneath her poker face, she seems to sport a rare but interesting sense of humour. Once in a while, she'll nudge you into a pond for no reason other than the fact that she can.

Jackal, however, seems relatively oblivious to whatever oddities that she sports -- his one and only concern is the fact that she seems to subsist on nothing but a little sunshine and the defeat of her opponents. He's trying to introduce barley to her feed, with mixed results.

( 01.20.2011 ◂ obtained from Yagyuu )
( 01.24.2011 ◂ hatched )
( 5/5 ◂ weekly levels )

✓ growl
✓ tackle

( storage. )

( incubator. )

pokemon eggs ▶ ▷ ▶ 00.

( goals. )

pokemon to obtain ▶ ▷ ▶ 06.

( table code. )

grab at will ▶ ▷ ▶ credit

( heading. )
pokemon species ▶ ▷ ▶ nickname

gender ▸
level ▸
ability ▸
nature ▸

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus.

( 01.03.2011 ◂ starter )
( 0/5 ◂ weekly levels )
✓ attack 1
✓ attack 2
✓ attack 3
✓ attack 4
✓ attack 5

base code by facetious
edited by countervalue


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