Jim hates footware

Mar 19, 2015 21:24

“Look at that boy and his puppy mum,” Said the girl, looking mighty regal in her pink princess dress.
“That’s a man and his Dog, dear” replied her mother, looking down at the girl.
“Not in their eyes, silly,” the girls retort was final.
In a nut shell there is Jim’s week. Of course he cost me a small fortune, he ate my dress shoes and walking shoes leaving only my runners, not that I mind my ex bought me the shoes like 5 years ago. Jim likes runners they mean we’re going somewhere together, he’s not a fan of the others, they mean I’m leaving without him.

So Kanis and I went shoe shopping, even without Jim he’s a major consideration in my life, when I was buying shoes I looked at them for sissy value, a sissy shoe is a shoe Jim can bite through quickly.
Found 2 pairs I can wear so I bought those, 300$ later I’m in a pair of riding boots, and this sort of leather desert boot with running tread and heal support. I like it but I know Kanis isn’t a fan she hates brown. Jim doesn’t seem to like brown either he hasn’t tried to eat them yet.

We don’t do stop, not Jim nor I. Except tonight I saw the blond woman who normal avoids us flagged us down and asked me to walk her home. I looked at Jim and Jim looked at me. His tongue tripling in size, his like a lizard, I don’t know where he stores the bloody thing. Anyway we walk her home, two guys walk up just when we’re discussing the male literacy crisis. One says something all quiet like to us, it's mumbled I can't understand it but the girl is hiding behind me. I think the sound of the growl startled me more, it wasn’t just Jim he’s looking at the men quietly, and we’re both balls of Fire Jim's tensed and so am I. The girl looks happily at me and says “I’ll be okay now, thanks.” Good deed done, time for some bad we start off after them. Jim tracking them as we went. Lost their sent, so we just headed home.

He's turning into a fine animal every bit as easily distracted as ... oh shiney!
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