★ Heroes: Bad Day (The Slightly More Incestuous Remix)

Apr 10, 2008 07:29

★ [ Niki/Claire, Niki/Claire/Peter, Jessica | R | 100 words ]
When has anything in her life ever been right?

Spoilers: takes place in Five Years Gone.
Warnings: implied incest.
Original story: Bad Day by amathela, 364 words.
Remix author: sinandmisery

Bad Day (The Slightly More Incestuous Remix)

Peter’s the last thing she’s thinking of when Claire’s between her legs, but when he walks in and Claire leaps to her feet to greet him, a thought forms.


Later, when Peter’s asleep next to her and Claire’s lazily stretched half on top of her, she tries not to think about how wrong this is - how wrong it should feel - but she catches her reflection smirking back at her in the mirror and knows it's wrong.

She doesn’t move, just runs her fingers through brunette hair and closes her eyes.

When has anything in her life ever been right?

-round 4-, original author: amathela, remix author: sinandmisery, fandom: heroes

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