Stargate Atlantis/Torchwood: Kissing and Telling (The Jack Harkness was There First Remix)

Jun 05, 2009 16:50

Original Fic: Dying for a Drink, by donutsweeper
Remix: Kissing and Telling (The Jack Harkness was There First Remix) [Vegas!McKay/Vegas!Sheppard, Torchwood crossover, 100 Words, Rated G] by goddess47 by goddess47

Rodney watched the man moving restlessly, asleep in the hospital bed. He hoped the restlessness meant he was waking -- the chair he was sitting on was uncomfortable and he had things that needed to be done. On the other hand, little was more important than this.

The eyelids fluttered and showed green. They blinked hard, again, to clear and look around.

"Welcome back, John," Rodney murmured. The eyes followed as he stood and walked toward the bed.

"Jack Harness called to tell me you were a good kisser," Rodney smiled slightly, leaned in. "Need to find out for myself."

original author: donutsweeper, -round 6-, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: torchwood, remix author: goddess47, fandom: [crossovers]

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