Firefly: Walkin' After Midnight (The Slow Dance Remix)

Jun 04, 2009 15:09

Original Fic: Walkin' After Midnight (scroll down to #10) by lotus0kid
Remix: Walkin' After Midnight (The Slow Dance Remix) [River, 100 Words, Rated G] by sophinisba

The ship changes colors when the others are sleeping and their ghosts come to life. Artificial lights glow like moons, and walking alone feels like slow dancing. River's limbs sway like willow branches in the gentle breath of the cooling drive.

She's not lonely, just waiting for her partner. At first she thought it might be a brother, or a captain, or another tired tree. Now she knows there's another little girl on this ship, one who's lost her way along with the rhythm. Once they find each other they'll know each other's steps, and the real dance can begin.

remix author: sophinisba, fandom: firefly, -round 6-, original author: lotus0kid

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