Firefly: Turnover (Weapon Remix)

Jun 04, 2009 15:07

Original Fic: Weapon, by melodyunity
Remix: Turnover (Weapon Remix) [OCs, River Tam, 100 Words, Rated PG] by lotus0kid

Turnover is quick for River Tam’s guards. They start off fine, doing their jobs, holding their guns. Then they start glancing behind them, frowning. As if the girl’s blinding mind infects them, makes them start thinking. Pity’s the first symptom. “Ai ya, if she’s their star pupil, I don’t wanna know what they do to the rest!” Then they see what the doctors have done to her. “Wo de ma, we better not get on her bad side, huh?” On old joke, repeated until it’s lost all meaning and comfort. “Uh, yessir, I’d like to put in for a transfer.”

fandom: firefly, -round 6-, remix author: lotus0kid, original author: melodyunity

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