Mar 10, 2014 22:33
Haven't had a chance to reply individually to comments yet, but in a rare moment of organisation, I'm pulling together some of the issues raised. Hopefully this adds a bit of clarity.
1. To reiterate, to play, you need to have written a minimum of five 500 word stories, or seven 100 words stories in a qualifying fandom.
2. You can offer to be remixed and ask to remix in fandoms that aren't qualifying ones, so long as you meet the eligibility requirements and also offer and request a qualifying fandom.
3. Marvel Movieverse will indeed be changed to MCU, and cover only those fandoms included in the AO3 tag -- Avengers, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man. The other fandoms currently included in the movies tag, with the exception of the various X-Men movies, will no longer have a category. Sorry!
4. As indicated above, we won't be splitting MCU out into its component parts. We think it adds too much complication, particularly around what would be classed as a crossover. There's still no reason you can't offer a specific fandom, such as Thor, as an optional fandom and hope to be matched on it, but you will still have to offer a qualifying fandom. That means if MCU is the only fandom in which you qualify, you'll have to offer it to play.
5. For the same reasons as above, we won't be handling Bandom any differently from previous years. That is, it'll cover the general category, and you could be matched on any band.
6. If there's enough interest in the Hobbit as a separate fandom, we're happy to consider splitting the movies out from the general Lord of the Rings category, but so far, I think only one person has raised it.
7. The crossover rule for different fandoms in the same universe is always complicated! The same rules as for normal crossovers apply, though. If you require knowledge of Fandom B for a story set in fandom A to make sense, then it's a crossover. A Buffy story where Fred shows up briefly and the plot doesn't hinge on her is fine. One where she shows up and plays an important role isn't. Obviously what's important is up for debate, but common sense should cover most of it. If you're unsure, just ask!
8. We have a Twitter! remixreduxmods. We realise a lot of people don't use LJ as their primary fannish platform these days, so if that's you, feel free to direct questions there. And please spread the word!
remix 2014