Melbourne - Tuesday (Day 4)

Aug 22, 2010 01:06

Today was Yarra valley day. But before that we had to execute the master of evil plans! Surprise dear D with my visit.

The conspiracy goes like this. TB was supposed to travel with a fictitous "Mark" so that we can throw D off guard. For the uninitiated, D is a close friend, whom I had planned to visit a year ago the same time. It didn't happen due to unforseen circumstances. But that is another story altogether and not worth telling. So this time round, we made sure we planned it. I was to drop off before we reach D's house and wait outside the cafe around the corner... and TB would drive up with D and mention "Isn't that person familiar?"

It was drizzling a bit when we got there. So it was really hard to execute the plan (so cold and no brolly). And... I forgot what color the car was!!! LOL. I waited and waited by the corner and since it was raining I couldn't make out who was in the car! It turned out pretty "genuine" cos this light blue ford pulled up and kinda stopped. I remember thinking to myself "Siao ah, can stop here like that meh?" Then I suddenly remember yah, we had a ford! LOL... so I peered in harder and there they were, TB and D. =)

I was very happy to see D. He's all alone in Melbourne and has been excited on my impending visit last year. I felt bad he had to wait a whole year for me to fulfill my promise. =(

And off we went to Yarra Valley. I feel the alcoholic in me stirred. LOL. As usual, got lost along the way to and fro. But its part of travelling to me. TB didn't like getting lost tho. Next time must use GPS.

I had some Rose Pinot something... aiyah, its alcohol. I don't do the swirl swirl sniff sniff shit. Yup, I'm uncouth, a boor whatever lah. I just drink.

And I got some sauvignon blanc for E and R. Took a few pics. Didn't help that it was drizzling a bit and floor was wet. Again, TB had great shots. And I had permission to post so I will do it later. Write down 1st before I forget.

One of the best (I think). I personally guarantee FB (more) stalkers after TB posts this.


Then, it was dinner at D's and OMG. If they say food can charm into one's heart, I think all humankind should be cautious of D's cooking. The starter looked like this:-

,Main course looked like this:-

Dessert looked like this!

Do I need to say more?


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