Oh my goodness, I'm so behind on posting about my reads.
I recall reading these since my last book post:
- Sarah's Key - De Rosnay, Tatiana (provoked interesting discussion during our book club)
- The Lover's Dictionary - David Levithan (recommended!)
- The Raising - Laura Kasischke (meh)
- The Hunger Games Book 1 - Suzanne Collins (simple writing style but immensely well written in terms of using simple words while providing enough details for characterization and make the story alive - much better than the movie, that's when I realized the book was much better)
- All of the Southern Vampire Mysteries
-short description/comments to follow to keep myself on track (I tend to forget things easily and I would like to remember what I've what and what the stories are about)
Currently reading:
- Trylle Trilogy 01 - Switched
- World War Z - Max Brooks
- Divergent - Veronica Roth
- Before I go to sleep - S.J. Watson
- A Song of Ice and Fire - Book 1 - A Game of Thrones
In between all the reading, I'm juggling so many other things... I need to devote more reading time!! And stop reading so many different books at the same time :P