(no subject)

Dec 05, 2013 11:02

I like how, just as I've gotten used to opening up the text doc and logging whatever I've just watched/read/listened to without even thinking about it, I've also started to just completely forget about actually posting. So here, have like three weeks' worth of stuff wot I consumed.

Week of November 11:


Sleepy Hollow 1x07 (Abbie, why did you leave the man from the 1700s in charge of the computer? That could only end badly. . . . oh yes, I see. Gotta get your lulz where you can find them, I suppose. Which is why Ichabod being disillusioned w/r/t Jefferson is the BEST.)
Agents of SHIELD 1x07 (C'mon, Fury, you knew that shit wasn't gonna hold forever, right?)
Elementary 2x08
Meganebu 1x07 (What the fuck is this show I love it so much.)


Thor: the Dark World (A horrible, horrible cam version, but I can stop hiding from spoilers on tumblr now, because you know I was living on borrowed time there.)

Week of November 18:


Sleepy Hollow 1x08
Agents of SHIELD 1x08 ("DId I fall asleep?" "For a little while." CUTE, JOSS. REAL CUTE.)
Elementary 2x09 ("To thine ownself, Watson." Polonius is a blowhard, Sherlock. Joan and I both expect better of you than to be taking his advice.)
Doctor Who, "The Day of the Doctor" (That was the most engaged I've been by the show in a long, long while. I mean, it had all the usual problems a Moffat episode has, but it also had all the stuff a good Moffat episode has, and I'm actually kind of excited to see the show take this new narrative direction once Capaldi has properly arrived. Oh god, please don't get my hopes up just to dash them cruelly upon the ground.)
Meganebu 1x08


The World's End
Hot Fuzz

Week of November 25:


Sleepy Hollow 1x09
Agents of SHIELD 1x09 (idk, guys. I've been wanting a Maycentric episode, and technically we got one, buuuut I wanted it to be about May, not about a bunch of people talking about May. Sigh.)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1x01-1x10 (Holy shit, I have a new favorite show. My only regret is that I didn't start watching it sooner.)
Meganebu 1x09 (Seriously, this show completes me.)


Welcome to Night Vale episode 36, "Missing"

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