(no subject)

Nov 12, 2013 22:51

Week of November 4:


Sleepy Hollow 1x06
Agents of SHIELD 1x06 (Ugh, so much crying. Even I know science doesn't work that way and I don't care, because so much crying.)
Elementary 2x07
Meganebu 1x06


Bossypants, Tina Fey


The Purge: (If you've heard that this movie threw away all the potential of its premise - a night where any and all crime is not only legal but encouraged - in order to focus on a rich white family you won't care very much about, you have heard correctly. I really wanted this to be interesting and thought-provoking and ask hard questions with no real answers, and instead I got a carelessly written POS that tries to have its racist cake and eat too. AND I embarrassed myself by not recognizing Ethan Hawke. Fail all around.)
+1 (Yes, that's a title. This I watched because there was one actor in The Purge whose performance caught my eye, Rhys Wakefield. I hope Mr Wakefield continues to make a career of playing guys whose creepiness comes to light under the right circumstances, because he is excellent at it.)

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