(no subject)

May 20, 2008 20:32


Steven Moffat to be new Doctor Who showrunner for series five!

I am SO excited. This is the best ever. I love Steven Moffat. I loved Coupling back in the day, and of course I love the episodes of DW he's done. He is awesome. The show is going to be amazing under his reign. It'll be like, "RTD who?" (Note: any potential pun on show title not intended.)

In other news, I did indeed make it to Borders over the weekend and pick up the first two books of the OH JOHN RINGO NO series, because I couldn't resist an entertainment-related trainwreck if you paid me. I'm about halfway through Ghost, and I wanted to post my thoughts on WHAT IN THE LIVING FUCK AM I READING?!, but there are two problems with this.

A: John Ringo's primary "defense" for Ghost runs along the lines of, "The entire thing is stupid shit! Why are you fixating on that little stupid detail when there are twenty even stupider things you could bitch about?" (My words, not his, but I kind of love him for expressing the sentiment. Dude knows this book sucks.) And he is not wrong. Every time I want to have one little thought about this book, twenty other stupid things come charging into my brain and leave me going, ". . . wait oh my god what?" So this is going to require an essay.

B: I do not have the energy for an essay tonight, because I had insomnia and slept for like two hours and then worked nine. I am so tired I am physically ill and my body hates me for continuing to type.

And I should probably finish it first, anyway. I make no promises, but I will probably have to do some brain vomiting at some point to clear this insanity out of my head, and isn't that was LJ is for?

doctor who, oh john ringo no, i am a geek

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