
Apr 12, 2008 23:16

AUGH I have a stomachache and I think eating a bagel that had sat in the fridge for a month for breakfast was a REALLY BAD IDEA but I still have Who thoughts. AND OMG YOU GUYS I ALSO HAVE THIS. A SONIC SCREWDRIVER FLASHLIGHT TORCH. I can totally justify the purchase, too, because I do need a small flashlight I can easily carry around for when I ( Read more... )

doctor who, i am a geek

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Comments 48

apiphile April 13 2008, 10:08:01 UTC
I'm also very disappointed - when the name of the episode came out I was expecting it to have more relevance to that speech in S1 than it did. Poor show, writers, missed chance.

Donna kicks butt. I realise I may just be suffering from my anti-Rose syndrome somewhat but I'm enjoying each successive companion post-Rose more and more. She can definitely stay, having done exactly what I was hoping someone would do, and kicked him out of his Godlike Comfort Zone a few times. And I love her reaction to being tied up, especially. Not "The Doctor Will Save Me" but "I'm GUNNA F**KIN' 'AVE YOU!". :D I like her. She's got gumption.

Disappearing planets, the Shadow Proclamation, and Hard Choices being the theme of the series, I'm kind of horrified that the End Of Level hard choice is probably going to be something like "which companion do you save? Return Of The Rose!" and if it is I will throw RTD down a flight of stairs.

Agreed on the way the Doctor sees the universe - that makes sense. It also sounds like a description of a particular ( ... )


remindmeofthe April 13 2008, 15:24:41 UTC
Not "The Doctor Will Save Me" but "I'm GUNNA F**KIN' 'AVE YOU!".

Yes! Now that you point that out, it was awesome. "FUCK YOU! I WILL CUT YOU!" I love that she's forcing the Doctor to see her and treat her as an equal, right from the start. She's not a kid like Rose, or a very young adult still finding herself like Martha - she's an adult woman and demands to be treated as such. And the Doctor needs someone who will get up in his face when necessary. Donna will not accept being dismissed out of hand; if the Doctor's going to shoot her down, he's going to have to explain why.

Heh, the more I think and talk about it, the more I like her.

"which companion do you save? Return Of The Rose!" and if it is I will throw RTD down a flight of stairs.I will help. That makes so much sense it's depressing. But, given all the casting rumors/spoilers, I'm just going to hold out hope for a former companions extravaganza episode. The combined awesome might blow out my computer screen, but that is a risk I am willing to take ( ... )


apiphile April 14 2008, 06:10:43 UTC
I love that she's forcing the Doctor to see her and treat her as an equal, right from the start.

Yes - and I also like that the first time he asked her to travel, she said no. I like that he's pursued her, and I like that she's a grown-up who really isn't going to take bullshit from him ("Donna. Human. No." / "I don't know who you normally hang around with but you don't just tell me to shut up.").

But, given all the casting rumors/spoilers, I'm just going to hold out hope for a former companions extravaganza episode.

JACK JACK JACK JACK. *cough* I haven't ... checked the casting spoilers. I'm trying to avoid them.

Edited because disappearing THINGS.

Someone else on my flist mentioned this. That's surely going to be another theme. I do wonder if that's kind of bound up with Rose - if things are disappearing into the reality she's trapped in (it'd be nice if that was happening because she was trying to get back to this universe, because then I can indulge my dislike of Ms. Piper to the full)?


remindmeofthe April 15 2008, 00:56:37 UTC
JACK JACK JACK JACK. *cough* I haven't ... checked the casting spoilers. I'm trying to avoid them.

XD I don't really count casting as spoilery, especially since it's the most likely to be covered by publications that don't grasp the concept of "spoiler" and getting neurotic about it is a fruitless endeavor, but I shall avoid saying any more here. Except that I am REALLY EXCITED.

(it'd be nice if that was happening because she was trying to get back to this universe, because then I can indulge my dislike of Ms. Piper to the full)

I would be surprised if it weren't all tied together somehow - maybe shit's going down in her universe too, and the alt!Torchwood has traced it to a connection with the Whoniverse, and Rose is trying to bridge the gap to connect with the Doctor and try to sort it out. I like your theory too, though. *g*


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