(no subject)

Apr 06, 2008 17:08

Today I hung out with my mom and sister and introduced them to Doctor Who. We watched "The Empty Child," "The Doctor Dances," and "Blink," because I can't think of three better episodes to show to people who haven't seen the show before.

The best part was toward the end of "The Doctor Dances," when the Doctor tells Jack, "Close the gate!" And Jack, being the cooperative and intelligent individual that he is, goes, "Why?" Mom: "What do you mean, why? Just do it!"

And then we made fun of Jack on the drive home. She's seen a bit of Torchwood before and wants to see more of it (it was "Something Borrowed," luckily enough, and yes, I have warned her about the show's relative quality), so I explained to her that Jack never actually gets any smarter: "Yeah, he's always doing shit like, you know, introducing nanogenes to a planet. The show wants you to think he changes, but he doesn't."

And dude, he really doesn't. Well, he sort of does. He gets worse. The major difference between the nanogenes and some of the shit he pulls in Torchwood is that at least the nanogenes were an accident. But whatever, because if Jack weren't a total bastard who the show (either show, really) tries so hard to paint as a selfless hero, he just wouldn't be so much fun. And I have been rendered incapable of taking him seriously anymore, anyway, so it's all good.

doctor who, torchwood

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