Something in the water.

Sep 22, 2009 08:46

< rant >
I'm crabby today. Maybe I should blame it all on PMS. Getting the house is proving to be a far more difficult and confusing than I could have imagined and at this point it's become a gamble I'm not sure I even want to take, but don't feel I have many options. I miss being around family and friends. I want to have kids now but am in no position to do so. I'm learning the lesson that I shouldn't ever make plans because things never happen the way I think they will or the way I want them too. My back is hurting again and I need to go back to the chiropractor. I think I may have a food allergy and need to see someone about it. There are a few other unpleasant symptoms, but the one that annoys me most is that my throat feels like it's closing up. Two weeks ago I had gut pain that was bad enough that I kept thinking, "If childbirth is anything like this, I don't ever want to have kids." In the last week I've found out two of my coworkers have tumors - one the size of a golf ball on his kidney (and the cancer may have spread), and the other the size of a *football*. The latter was found in the abdomen of a very healthy coworker and we're all perplexed how something like that could even fit in him. I hope there's nothing in my neck. My birthday is Saturday and our anniversary is the following Sunday, and I don't even feel like celebrating. I should nap.
< / rant >

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