An upbeat entry!

Sep 14, 2011 22:48

Shocking isn't it? Anyway I am currently sitting in a very lovely house located in Wellesley Mass. How did I get here? A friend and her husband (also a friend) moved here from Dallas back in July. They flew me out to visit, and to see the area, and maybe just maybe find something job wise so I can get the fark out of Texas and it's god awful heat and experience a real winter. I actually got in last night. Spent most of the day yesterday in the airport. Yig! I flew out from Dallas, hit up Chicago for a few hours and then landed in Boston. The plane trip....yea....

warning, take heed when it comes to flying Spirit Air.....the planes looked like they might have been the top of the line all that in the 70's with their all leather blue seats, but they have gone down since then. They were hard and there is hardly any leg space to speak of....while the price is cheap they nickle and dime you anyway they can....1 checked bag cost me 38 bucks alone! Oh, and if you want drinks or food, yep, that's extra. I know most airlines don't serve meals these days unless you happen to hit a major meal time in the air, but at least they give you a free drink of your choice! A TINY cup of coffee was $3, same for a bottle of water, soda, you guessed it midget cans for $2 each. Needless to say I didn't eat anything on the flights even though I was dying of thirst. Oh, and upon landing on time in Chicago....we taxi all the way to the be told that oh, looks like it's going to be a half hour at least till we get off the plane. Okay, annoying, but not that bad.....that initial half hour turned into a full hour. Why? Because they only have 2 gates and they had 4 planes on the ground that needed to unload and reload. Which caused a backup/delay of most of their flights out for a half hour to 2 hours! Thankfully I had a 4 hour lay over which caused us to only board a half hour late, but we got into Boston on time. Oh, that first flight, flight itself was uneventful but I noticed upon landing the part of the wing that goes in while in flight....when it came back out for landing had bright red splotches on it I hadn't noticed going up. Yep we either killed something or there was hydrolic (sp??) fluid on the wing....oh, and those seats....hurt like a bitch after spending more then 2 hours in them. my poor butt!

Anyway, yea, in Boston. Today I went and saw Salem, we got out there a bit late so couldn't do much, but we did find the Witch Trial Memorial and the old grave yard. Couldn't go into the graveyard as it's against city ordinance to go in after sunset and the sun had already past that dusk mark when we finally found it. We did get to see the 7 Gables House though, and Nathaniel Hawthorn's birth house as well. Couldn't take pictures inside, but I got a couple of shots around the garden area outside and a neat one with my phone of the graveyard entrance.

So yea, that's my trip so far, I'm here till next Tuesday when I fly out at holy fuck it's what time in the morning o'clock hit Chicago again and then back to Dallas. With the weekend comes a Steampunk Convention and an Abney Park concert to attend. The other reason I am out here aside from visiting and the attempt to job hunt some.

I can't believe I am out here still....wheeeeee!
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