Вроде мелкий вопрос, а все же. Почему на фотографиях 10-летней давности на фасаде биробиджанского вокзала название города на идише пишется без lange nun в конце слова? См.
Из записи ervix в сообществе ru_travel от 2010-11-29
Другие - более поздние - фотографии показывают ожидаемую орфографию (спохватились, исправили?). см.
упс, потерял ссылку...
Причем у въезда в город стояла и стоит все та же огромная надпись с нормальным lange nun:
https://rus.team/holidays/den-goroda-birobidzhan UPD. "in 1932, the five special word-final consonant letters were abolished in all Soviet publications". Gennady Estraikh, Soviet Yiddish: Language-Planning and Linguistic Development, 1999
см. также под катом
«Yiddish in Birobidzhan fully followed the ins and outs of soviet language planning norms for Yiddish in orthography, nomenclature and stylistics. The special «final letters»[the sounds f, m, n, ts and kh in word-final position] required in Yiddish spelling elsewhere in the Yiddish world (other than in left-wing fellow-traveler circles) were abolished under soviet auspices and all Hebrew-origin words were spelled phonetically, thereby hiding their Hebraic origins, both steps being justified along ideological «anti-clerical»grounds. The stylistic burden of excessive russianisms, acronyms or other slavicisms was quite high, often causing striking communication difficulties, in print and in writing, for Yiddish readers outside of the Soviet Union. A recent bilingual Yiddish-Japanese dictionary felt obliged to provide a separate appendix of such terms for the assistance of readers from those parts of the world that were uncontaminated by soviet political or ideological influences (Uedo, 2009)»
Joshua A. Fishman, "Varieties of Governmental and Non-Governmental Recognitions of Yiddish",