Oct 25, 2005 19:47
lord almighty livejournal its been a while. this whole thing went crazy last year i remmeber that. hm, but no one reads this junk anymore, so i guess it will be nice to say hello once in a while. things have been goign crazy, new friends, new stuff senior year.
its a crazy concept really, everyone is always so stoked to be a senior, just to get 'out of this town' but how often do those people really look at it from a positive prespective and only look at the good things about this town. because there are plenty, although just like with everythign else its always easier to focus on and talk about the bad things. oh well.
i love being a senior though, i mean, ive alwyas wanted to get the chance to get to knwo new people and i already knew a lot of the older people, but now that everyones younger they are all new yaknow. man, thast so weird, everyones younger than me?! it makes me feel so old, i feel sorry for old ladies now, i mean, (old men too) but that must be a weird feeling. but with all these stupid rumors and junk (as usual) that go around, its hard to know what ppl think of me. i eman its not liek it matters, but i wonder if people are afriad of me because im football coaches daughter, or because of what theyve heard about me, the good stuff, or the bad stuff. and thats another thing, the who rumors thing; freaken its a high shcool of cousre there are going to be rumors but no one really thinks about it in that general prespective when its happening with them; or they are doing it to someone else. but then when u sit back and think of the big picutre, and how u already have been blowing it off, you might as well just keep on going becuase that just means your the stronger person, and not as into this high school shit. but thats not the point, the point is, its just a waste of time. even talking about it, even par-taking in it, a waste of time. there are more important and enjoyable things to be doing than worrying about someone is saying or thinking about me. its just, ridiculous, and i pity those people who have made it their life (even if they dont see it that way, thats all people see them for) made it their life to talk about other people to put themselves up. pathletic. i pity them. poor poor them. hah. on that note. have a nice night. because my life is excellent right now, even if its not from someone elses prespective, or if i dont come across to be taht happy. i am, and i know i am. and thast all that matters. ha. life is sweet, live it up. plus its my senior year, nothings going to get me down baby. cant have that happen..