A red sky in the morning. It was going to rain. Yes.

Jan 08, 2009 23:10

Hello Friends,

I did not forget about you. I did however have a much too productive week. I took a metric ton of pictures, read a whole book, cleaned my house up, joined a bunch of web 2.0 sites, got a post card for my first postcrossing, actually wrote in a journal and made lists.

I finished Good Omens.  It was brilliant.  I think I'm either going to finish reading Contact or The Maerland Chronicles next seeing as how Jessica probably wants her book back.  If you guys have any suggestions for a good book, please drop it off.  I'll probably get around to it this time around as opposed to the last few times I made the same request (because I have lists!).  If anyone is on library thing, my user name is ohmeursault.  Add me.

My job has been a bit crazy and more than scary enough.  They already let some people go and they may have to let more go if the Florida Govt decides to the raid the Inland Protection Trust Fund to make up for their spending/wasting problem.  It's where all the "clean up my gasoline spill" money comes from in this state.  We'll see.  They did, however, move me from the awful back room/area/cave of chemical and mouse hell into the larger, well lit cubicle I was in the first 4 months I worked here.  I almost feel like I was being hazed or something.  For five months.

Well here is the fun part- or at least the media part.  I'm forcing myself to take one picture every day.  I'll be posting my Project 365 pictures weekly here and daily on tumblr.








They have titles and descriptions somewhere, so if you want them I'll add them next time, otherwise you can let your imagination take over and guess where I was and what the hell I was doing.

The only problem with this project is that I'm limited to what is accessible and most nights I only want accessibility to my apartment.  This is going to make me have to get out and explore more.  There are really only so many ways I can take pictures of my kitchen and ceiling fans.  I also haven't taken a photography class, so this year is going to be a great experiment.

I'm also making myself listen to one album a week, so please suggest some awesome new (or old) albums I should listen to.

I'm going to make an embarrassing confession, and Jay will laugh, but this week I decided to listen to My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade.  It made me cry a little.  Because it hurt me.  and not in an emo way.  In a, why-Gerard-Way-why-oh-why-would-you-try-to-rip-off-other-people-and-think-you'd-get-away-with-it way.  I was almost on their side.  They're so ridiculous it's almost acceptable, and then I heard the first song on the album and thought, why would you rip off Pink Floyd so hard, and then go for Jack White and Tom Waits?  I will however give them this- They almost had me with the almost title track and absolutely did with Teenagers.  Yes.  It's my dirty little not-so-secret.

Don't worry, KL, when the time comes, I will still go see them with you.  Because it'll probably be fun.  A little ridiculous, but a lot of fun.

101 in 1001, project 365, week 2

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