Jan 01, 2009 16:53
Hello all:
I haven't posted since that survey of sorts. I hope you've all had a great Christmas time and a Happy New Year's Eve. This seems to be a popular time to reflect and make resolutions and such, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. I decided to start a 101 in 1001 goal list journey thing. I'm not going to post the list here. Some of the things are very personal and some I just don't want to broadcast because, frankly, they're a little embarrassing, but over the next 2.74 years I will post at least weekly on the progress of my life and the progress of my goal list.
Yes, it's cheesy, but I figured I needed to do this list because I have all these things I want to accomplish now looming over me as I race toward 30. I realized that I haven't accomplished half of what I wished I could have 10 years ago.
Essentially my new resolution is to set and accomplish goals.
So with that I will leave you with a "Happy New Year" and I'll be seeing you all soon.
101 in 1001,
the beginning