So today I donated blood for the first time.
and they say that can help save 3 people's lives.
so technically I could be considered 3 people's heroes.
ever since yesterday I thought about giving blood, and the only thing that held me back was fear of pain when the needle was placed into the arm. Then I also realized that when I got my wisdom teeth out I was injected with some sort of drug that would make it so that I would be knocked out cold, and that didn't hurt. And then everyone told me that it wasn't painful and didn't hurt at all. So I got in line and prepared myself. First they asked all these questions, and I was scared because if you answered one wrong you couldn't give blood or you would kill the person that your blood was given to. Then they made me weight myself again because they didn't truly believe that I was over 110 and thought I was lying about what the PE department told me just so I could give blood. But then again, it's better to be safe than sorry. Then they pricked you with a little needle thing that wasn't supposed to hurt at all, but it hurt after it was poked in and taken out and they squeezed the blood out. It was a throbbing pain. And after that i was very wary about the whole giving blood thing. I got on the chair and set my arm out [it was shaking and i couldn't hold still]. They swabbed it with some disinfectant and then they made me wait a while longer before they put the needle in. Then they did, and I have to say that it hurt so much more than everyone was making it out to be. It was more than a pinch. It was a pinch times 5 and then take that and make it last about one minute. And then make it so that the blood pumping into the bag also hurt because I don't know, it just did. and even now my arm still hurts. Also, it didn't help I was dehydrated cause my blood took forever to come out and by the end I felt nauseous and sick to my stomach and clammy and i saw black splotches all over. And it was hard to squeeze the ball because when you get 1/5 of your blood taken away it makes you weak. it was like all of a sudden it felt so surreal when I think back on it. Then I got snacks and Pacific Sun Coolers so it was ok. And then some hot dogs and then that bandage that made it look like I had joined a gang or something. Though my arm is still pained.
but it was nice. and I'm glad I did it even though I whined about it beforehand.
and I guess the pain is enough to endure if I'm saving people's lives.
though it will take a hell of a lot more convincing to get me to do it the next time.
for the past few days I have done nothing in school. There has been no work and no motivation for me to do anything. afterschool monday I went to Espresso with Roveiza and talked about smoking and random pieces of gossip and then I went to the meet and got soaked. Then yesterday I came home and just sat around not doing anything, and then talked on the phone for like 2 hours. Then today afterschool i went over to Daniel's to chill and eat nutella with cinnamon raisen bread and popcorn, played some jeopardy and lost fairly badly, and then some more convo and constant channel flipping, and then out to eat at First Wok with Sergei, and drove around in the storm.
i feel so unproductive though it's been fun.
and I keep forgetting to do homework even if I have them
Friday-- English Presentation due
Tuesday-- statistics project due
Friday-- Genetics Project Due