Apr 30, 2011 18:08
A few recent items to be aware of:
Source Code - quite a decent movie. I quite like both Gyllenhaal and Farmiga. It won't change your life, but it will give you some interesting characters and a plot you won't be able to drive too many 18 wheelers through. I'd recommend catching it at some point, although I don't think it is necessary to rush out to the theater.
Portal 2 - At least as good as it's predecessor. If you liked Portal at all, I highly recommend it. And hit me up if you want to try co-op mode.
Book(s) of the Long and Short Sun - I recently finished Gene Wolfe's 4+3 book series. I found it interesting, although he didn't resolve the central mystery to my satisfaction. Also, he cheats, by pretending to be telling a science fiction story, but I should be used to that from him by now. All in all, however, an excellent tale, well told. I'd recommend having a look. (ok, this is cheating because it isn't recent, but I just got 'round to it)
Tiassa - Steven Brust has yet to let me down and this one, in particular, I found quite satisfactory. If you haven't read any of either the Vlad Taltos or Khaavren books, I'd strongly, strongly encourage you to pick one up if you have any affinity for swords and sorcery at all.