The more I think about it, the more gaping plot holes I see, so here's the Star Trek
- Black Hole Physics - Although it may be possible to have matter go through a black hole and come out somewhere else (in fact Alex F. Meyer expects it is required to keep the universe going), what comes out is individual particles. Once you hit the Roche Limit, your spacecraft gets ripped apart by tidal forces and then you do, too. The technical term for this is Spaghettification. But maybe having a warp drive makes it possible to construct a warp bubble that will let you pass through in one piece. Maybe.
- Wormhole Physics - So maybe it is possible to survive intact a trip through a black hole and maybe it sends you through time as well (if we're going to allow one, we might as well allow the other) However, this would seem to be a random effect. It certainly displaced the ships in time. But why not in space? Unless I missed something, Nero was coming back to the same spot once a year waiting for Spock to pop out so he could exact his revenge. Never mind that there is no such thing as a year in space, or no standard one, why would Spock pop out in the same spot? Why not light decades away?
- Advanced Technology - So how does a mining scow defeat the Kelvin, even if it is 100 years more technologically advanced? Why was he packing missiles on his mining scow when he popped out of the black hole and encountered the Kelvin? Hadn't he fallen into a black hole on his way home from a mining expedition? Why do you arm a mining ship like that? And where did he get enough firepower to decimate a Federation task force, even if he did have a couple of decades to prepare?
- Stupid Villain - OK, so you're distraught that your planet, particularly your wife and child, have just been baked by a close brush with a supernova. You find yourself falling into a black hole and discover you're a hundred years or more in the past. Why isn't your first thought, "Hey, I can go tell my grandfather to make sure I go into stellar physics or Red Matter instead of mining." or "Hey, let's go to Vulcan and see if we can chat about preventing supernovas with the Academy of Science. I bet they could keep it from blowing entirely if they had a hundred year head start?" Why is Nero that stupid and why, in the years they were waiting for Spock, didn't his crew convince him to try preventing the catastrophe in the first place?
But it was really pretty, so maybe I shouldn't mind so much.