A Series of Notes From April 2019 Til Dec 2019 Or: Some Notes From 2019

Mar 31, 2022 15:33

April 26th, 2019:   “You can do whatever you desire with me.  You cannot do whatever you want with me.”  This was the biggest most honest truth I could communicate at the time.  Like, I was happy I could move my fingers and type and stuff, my being was so filled with stuff.   And I’m pretty sure that was more the spirit or energy or whatever that stuff is that was speaking through me.  I’m not sure if I came up with that on my own, or that was the lifeforce stuff, but it came from us.

May 8th, 2019:  “Most people lie to each other all the time about anything and everything.  You can be as honest as possible as honest as you can be and you will still not be telling me the truth.  And I will be as honest as I possibly can be with you and I will do my best to communicate truth to you but I may not be telling you the truth.  But I will not lie to you.”  So, a couple years removed and I think the only part I got wrong here is the bit about “but I may not be telling you the truth.”  Though, that’s possible, but what should either be added or changed is “but  might not hear the truth.”  That does seem a lot more accurate.

May 11th, 2019:  “Intention is to help you awaken and strengthen your connection to your spirit heart chakra.  This can be done with openness and honesty.  You will receive medicine from me.  All of it is beneficial to the mind and body and soul.  You may find yourself in an abundance of positivity and benefit.  If that be the case, please identify your excess and help another person heal theirself.”  I don’t feel like explaining this one.

May 13th, 2019, titled Meaning of Life:  “Love each other for who we are and take care of each other as we age.”  And I’m pretty sure this what I put down in 2017 as well.

May 15th, 2019:  “Can we all be siphons for negative energy and turn it into positive energy?”  That seems kinda self explanatory.  Take in negative things and turn them into positive things.

May 20th, 2019, titled Light & Shadow:  “A consequence of The Light was the creation of Shadow.  But Shadow was only made in Light’s presence and was a fine thing itself.  Nothing that came before the Light.”  And I’m pretty sure I got stuck on the nothing, Nothing, no-thing concept there.

June 1st, 2019:  “We took what was ours from us.”  That’s interesting.

June 24th, 2019:  “I’m not only talking to you I’m talking to the thing inside you and the thing above you.  You are perfect and amazing and beautiful.  Everything that has happened with you was meant to happen.  Please assist and guide this person to realizing their full potential and become their true authentic self.  You are blessed and you are loved”

June 26th, 2019, titled World Peace:  “When 3 people can look each other in the eye at the same time the world will know peace.  [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and myself can do this.  Any 3 people can do this.  Arms around.  Foreheads together.  3rd eyes touching.  Shake your eyeballs.  3rd eye open.  Throat open.  Heart open.  3 chakras.  Maybe more?”  Well, this is certainly a humdinger of a note.  Really cutting through this, it’s the open and honest stuff and then the physical closeness.  It’s all trust and comfort and all that.  And it’s really weird there’s not a ton of pictures online of people doing this.  But it’s because our collective imagination got pretty dang weird for a moment there.  Anyway, world peace and the “new age” is right now, basically.  And shaking my eyeballs is about the only other talent I have.

June 26th, 2019, titled The Kundalini Time:  “4/26/19  I was watching Joe Bob Briggs present House of the Devil on Shudder when I had my kundalini experience.  It might have started during the first movie, Demon Wind, and continued through the second.  I expressed my deepest truest feelings to someone and they were denied.  The world will know peace when three people can look each other in the eye.  It’s not a joke but it’s not what you think.  They have to be close, with arms around, vibrations high.  3rd eye open.  Honest.  Genuine.  Everything was real all at once.  Everything everyone believes in.  All managed by the power of belief.  My friend [REDACTED] came over at the end of my experience.  We took a walk.  It was hard hard hard for me to comprehend what I just experienced.  Everything is up to the individual to add to the collective.  And we’ve been filling us with garbage for too long.  The next day I visited Grandma and [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and baby [REDACTED].  I was going to go to [REDACTED]’s DJing event, but it was sold out.  A homeless woman knocked on the door, looking to buy the old RV.  We had sold it to the neighbors.  She was passing on the good word about the spiritual war and I told her I might be a prophet.  She said to tell it loud and proud!  The next day I went and met [REDACTED] and her kid and goat and horse and animals.  I got home and had the Frank Gordon cast assembled and signed a document of intent with them.  The next day maybe my lizard brain tried to take over and turn me into unconditional love.  The intrusion on the brain was new and scary.  It might have had something to do with my feelings having been denied.”  That intruder voice was very scary.  But, I’m ready to surrender to it, if it shows up again.  Over two years removed and I’m much less afraid.

June 27th, 2019:  “Accessed soul or spirit back in 2001?  With [REDACTED].  Placebo effect of ecstasy.  Felt something, but not strong or very familiar.  Went to [REDACTED]’s dad’s house and read a song-did not sing.”  I’m not going to explain this either, but, there was a time, maybe in 2005, where I was at an ecstasy party and while I was on ecstasy the thing in the chest did due stuff and I told some people there about it at the time, a funny chest feeling, and some dude asked if I was Jesus and I said no and he was pretty sure I was.  That’s a true story.

July 8th, 2019:  “Your experiences matter.  They might not be what you think.”

Oct 25th, 2019:  “Manifest Generate Project Create.  Sharing Giving Receiving Caring.  I love you Please forgive me Thank you.  Thank you I forgive you I love you.”

Nov 13th, 2019, titled Dreams:  “11/12 - outside in the hills, by a road, went running to it.  A car was stopped.  Guy had a gun and talked to him.  Then in line with a bunch of people.  Asian people.  Turns into some immigration thing.  I check a laptop for ID, don’t know what I’m doing and let people go.  On a bus now and I’m a ticket person or something, escorting people off the bus.  Some woman says she’s a prostitute or something or somehow that gets across and she goes “Wanna fuck?” and I go “Sure” but she still goes to get off the bus.  Back outside and there’s a man sitting with his dog at kinda a campsite.  Ladybird runs up and starts making friends.  Seems like a cool guy.  Something happens or changes or I leave and come back and the guy has a syringe and is injecting a dog.  I yell at him what are you doing to my dog and he says he’s doing it to his.  At the angle I can’t tell so I move and it looks like he’s injecting his dog but he’s actually Ladybird he’s injecting in the butt.  I want to yell and kill this guy but I grab my dog.  The guy says something taunting and I don’t understand but I think he’s poisoned Ladybird.  Ladybird turns into a rat and I’m carrying her and petting her and freaking out.  I’m inside the house and put her down and she starts drinking a lot.  Then I wake up.”  Wow, so that’s pretty wild too.  The coronavirus was new and in the news at the time, so that might have been where some of it came from.  And I kinda ended up determining the guy in the dream might have been like the bad guy, Mick, from the Wolf Creek series.  It’s set in Australia and is mostly outside.  But some pretty wild stuff.

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