Q, Anon, and Qanon Or: Why I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

Mar 31, 2022 12:51

Q, folks.  The stupidest letter of the alphabet.  That’s a joke.  But, there’s a thing called Q.  And people have written books about it and followed it a lot more closely than I ever did and then there’s a bunch of people who actually want to believe that shit.  It is a combination of Warhammer 40K roleplay, Gen X Americana pop-culture, uncommon facts and beyond the pale statements wrapped in a blanket of bastardized Christianity, with a dash of James Bond and never being wrong.  That’s not a very good description of the movement or group or followers or believers or whatever but it’s not really worth a better description.

It’s definitely some people who want to believe in some really terrible stuff.  And these people, I don’t even know what’s happening with them.  Some have been waiting months for dead celebrities to reveal that they aren’t really dead, they’ve just been hiding from or playing games with the government.  Some are kind of accidentally or unknowingly aiming for the downfall and destruction of America.  And that’s not what they would tell you.  They use a gimmick of being a Patriot, a person who really loves their country.  That’s a real thing too, but also a gimmick.  There’s a former semi-celebrity lawyer named Lucian Lin Wood who went all in on the terribleness and called for the execution of Vice President Mike Pence and he’s currently ranting about Jesus saving him(before he called for executions, so his being saved is unfortunately false) and the end times can’t get here fast enough for him.  These can be some very far out people.

This way of thinking has been going so long, they have also created Paytriots, Lin Wood being one.  Those are people who make money off the rest of them.  This is a correct term and a justified call out for them to make, but it’s also still narrow, as broadly they never bothered to question the Q narrative and answers.  That’s because they want to agree with it.  They want to believe.

Here’s a list of dead people who are supposed to be alive and other people, according to Q lore.  JFK Jr is alive and shares an identity with some dude, Michael Jackson is alive as a person who goes by The Weekend, Princess Di is alive and married to Donald Trump and wears a Melania mask, Elvis Presley is alive as a pastor and Jim Morrison is really Rush Limbaugh and he’s not dead either, just hiding.  And all of this is because of the Deep State and Cabal, all the bad guys that Q and the Q’ers don’t like.

But wait, there’s more.  Abraham Lincoln had secret kids and sent one to Libya who is JFK’s grandfather.  And the Earth is flat and you cannot convince a believer to think otherwise.  It will happen on its own, however, when the person allows it.  Very quick, if the Earth was flat then ships would be seen entirely on the horizon, the whole ship, but they’re not, you see the highest parts first and that is due to the curvature of the Earth.  The same goes for any large structure that you can see in the distance without seeing the whole thing.  If the Earth was flat the whole object would be seen at once and that is not the case of our shared reality in this world.

There’s a bunch of phrases that the Q’ers also have used.  “Trust The Plan.”  “Where We Go One We Go All,” I actually really like that one.  It has a lot of unity in it, even though they don’t mean “all” when they use it.  “These people are stupid.”  “The storm is coming.”  “The storm is here.”  “Release the Kraken.”  “You’re watching a movie.”

“You’re watching a movie” has been a popular one.  And they probably don’t realize that this was a mental exercise used in The 5th Agreement.  In that book they do a bit where you and friends walk into a movie theater and start watching a movie of your life through your eyes, so, POV you are the camera.  And in the seat next to you the person sitting is watching the same movie, but through their eyes, so all the characters are still in it but their roles and meanings have changed.  Because movies are subjective things, just like our personal reality.

Some of these people seem to have lost that subjectivity and replaced it with something else.  They are not watching a movie, they are too smart for that, but you are watching a movie and are too stupid to know.  And when they often talk about watching a movie they don’t mean that there is a certain amount of “spin” put on everything, they mean that 90% of what you see is fake.  I’m intentionally making that similar to a statement I made in Dangerouser, where I say 90% of things are not really worth your attention.  Q would be under that 90%, in my opinion.

This idea of what you see is fake is one of the concepts rocketing America to ruin.  It’s disbelief, at the core.  It’s not critical thinking.  It’s rejecting that to double and triple down on a select few horrible views.  It allows you to pretend that only what you want to think is real.  This is some pretty wild, dark psychic work here.  What you see is not fake but it’s also not what you think and is often times sold to you.

There’s an incredible amount of “wink wink, nudge nudge” nowadays.  There’s lots of political people, mostly in America that I am aware of, who know about Q and followed it and then have claimed to not believe it but then keep winking and nudging.  The unfortunate age or rise of disingenuousness.  And I suppose that makes sense, to combat the empathy and compassion that has also risen.  That funny kind of balance.  Lots of the Q stuff is based on skin color and religion and goes about covering that up by pretending that all the bad people are whatever they think they know about Satanists.

I somehow learned about Q after learning and writing a few sentences about Pizzagate.  If you thought that was a bit much, you aint seen nothing yet.  Q started out on these message boards called ' 'chans' ' and they are or were a popular place for racism and hate speech and child porn and mass shooter manifestos.  Maybe only a single manifesto.  So the people there really wanted to believe that there were worse people than them out there.  And it doubles as a good way to hide your own dirt, by pointing a massive light from it towards anywhere else.  I never went on a chan, but I did know about Reddit, another social media internet site.

On Reddit there was a dedicated community for talking about “the coming storm.”  When all the bad guys were going to be exposed or arrested or killed or something and that is when the storm was going to have arrived.  People are still waiting on that too.  But there was maybe 40,000 people subscribed to the Reddit page and I was one of them.  I basically read the reactions from people.  There were so many negative emotions.  Horror and disgust and hate and anger and fear.  But it was also okay, because there were “white hats” or good guys who were in control of things.

One day in August 2018 there was a picture posted from my hometown, San Luis Obispo, from the college Cal Poly.  Students were in the picture and they had formed into a “Q+” and it was very much a school thing.  But the people who saw the picture went into “autistic mode” and looked up everything they could.  School, school board, school colors, curriculum, who built the school, when, absolutely everything about the picture had to be picked apart and dissected except for one thing.  It could have just been a picture of a Q+ and that’s why it was posted.  And eventually they determined that was the reason it was posted, because none of them could agree on a better reason.

It was shortly after then, and really could possibly have been the day before or on my birthday, the Q stuff got shut down on Reddit.  And I was relieved and happy.  I was not going out of my way to keep up with whatever these people thought was going on.  I didn’t think it would disappear, but I definitely thought it would fade and slowly die.  Boy, was I wrong in that regard.

It got more popular and even the then President of the good old U.S.A. was like “I hear I’m a hero according to them, that’s wonderful!”  I don’t know if that guy cares about anything other than money and you liking him, in that order.

There’s also the newest evolution of Q.  The Great Reset.  It’s built on a foundation of Q and older conspiracies, unabashedly.  The enemies have greatly been named.  Most of all of the global leaders, the ultra rich and wealthy.  Illuminati, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and more.  And fuck it, there’s something to it.  The world has turned into a spiderweb of connected dots and there’s spiders everywhere.  I’m getting over my fear of them.

The whole thing in this case comes down to intentions.  Bad stuff has happened for sure.  A virus was created, there is no doubt.  And it happened naturally, there is no doubt.  And it came from China, there was no doubt except some of the Q’ers think it started in Ukraine now and then sent to China.

You’re researching a deadly thing.  Why are you doing it?  Are these the right reasons?  Are you lying to yourself?  These are the questions that matter if the virus came from a lab.  The officially accepted origin of this virus was from across the street of the lab, in a market.  In that case the questions would be different.  What’s up with sanitation?  What’s up with animal treatment?  Why is it like this?  There were none of these questions to my knowledge and no commonly acceptable answers, a mental minefield.

A deadly virus spread across the world and people questioned its existence and its deadliness and many people decided many things.  Operation Warp Speed was created to get vaccines out asap and get people back to work as fast as we could.

In my personal story, this is the part where former President Donald Trump stepped up and halted evictions and did a correct and very humane thing.  That was a rare and amazing case of having someone I disagreed with come and do what I believe was the right thing.  I try to give credit where it is due.

But people didn’t believe there was a virus, then didn’t believe it was a big deal, and then didn’t want to be vaccinated.  And I basically watched all this play out.  I was living in Surprise, Arizona then.  The new friends I had made were very excited about the vaccine.  They made appointments to go and get it as soon as it was ready to go.  After learning this I attempted to make an appointment, but I was deemed not important enough to qualify for opening day.  And that was fine and made sense to me.  I had also just moved there and wasn’t sure how much of a person I counted as, according to weird state laws or whatever.

I didn’t get the first round of vaccines.  And then a booster came out.  And I didn’t get that.  And then there was a fourth or a fifth variant of the virus because not enough people were getting vaccinated and the virus was mutating.  It probably still is to this day.  And I’m still unvaccinated.  And the virus is still out there.  And this returns to the Great Reset.

These people who believe the Great Reset say the virus was intentionally released to gain control over everyone.  That the vaccine is going to do X Y and Z of things to people over L M N O P amount of time.  There’s some stones, in Georgia, America, called the Georgia Guidestones and they fit into this narrative.  They do sound like a guide for restarting civilization after some massively grave collapse.

The 10 “guides” written are; Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature, guide reproduction wisely-improving fitness and diversity, unite humanity with a living new language, rule passion-faith-tradition-and all things with tempered reason, protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts, let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in world court, avoid petty laws and useless officials, balance personal rights with social duties, prize truth-beauty-love-seeking harmony with the infinite, be not a cancer on the Earth-leave room for nature-leave room for nature.

That’s really not too bad.  It does value reason above all though, which is not love(but love is in it) and seems pretty judgmental in a few parts, which I personally don’t find that great.  The freaky and creepy part to me is keeping the population under 500 million.  That’s an incredibly low number from where we are at now.  And apparently when the stones were constructed the Cold War was going on.

And that takes us right back to now, with an invasion of Russia into Ukraine and a bunch of people calling it “fake” in many different ways.  There have also been Americans, who have decided that the invading force is the correct force.  And that historically checks out for Americans, as America ourself has been an invading force for decades.  Regardless, Americans are siding with a different country invading another country.  But the reasons are something about fighting the Cabal and Deep State, everyone involved in controlling the Great Reset.

Doesn’t all of this stuff sound just super weird and far out?  Meanwhile, people are dying.  But that’s fake and a bunch of footage of literally anything else than what it is said to be.  Disbelief.  But in some cases it is correct as well.  The stories being pushed are fake and propaganda for an agenda, on both sides.  So fine, some people are dying but they’re all just Nazis.  That’s another angle of this.  Ukrainian Nationalists, to the extreme.  And that’s real too and that’s also exactly like America.  We are a nation of winners.

Real people are really dying but mostly just fake Nazis so it’s nothing to worry about, except for the super evil Cabal that is freaking out and 100% exposed and totally will not do anything drastic to actually do a reset that has nothing to do with vaccines.  I threw my own little twist on the Great Reset logic there.

What if the vaccine is just a vaccine?  And it was made by people trying their best and doing their best?  What if the virus did get released by accident from a lab?  We did our best and tried our best.  What if invading another country was a bad thing?  What if we did start paying the price for our bloodsoaked lies?  Would it be like paying a price for insisting on being our lower-selves once we had discovered our Higher-Selves to be a real thing?  There is such a thing, but I don’t know about prices.

People are saying “wait and see” and that’s not a Q expression.  I don’t like the sound of it either, as I take it with a feeling of dread.  It’s like waiting and seeing some horrible things happen, not waiting and seeing some wonderful and magnificent things happening.

“The Transhumanist Agenda” is another part that the Great Reset believers are afraid of.  It starts with vaccines and then you turn into a cyborg.  That’s pretty wild.  My Grandpa was heading in that direction, just by getting a pacemaker.  But that’s not what the Great Reset means, it’s totally different.  Pacemakers are fine, it’s whatever the new stuff is that’s bad.  And there’s something there, if there’s bad then there’s good.  Free will is real and I don’t believe it's a thing that should be pursued to be taken away.  Your will and thinking are two different things, but they are connected.

I personally would like to know what’s up with our spiritual being, the energies inside us, before I alter my chemistry with something other than THC for now.  I’m not in bad shape at all and have been sick once since the start of the pandemic.  I didn’t get tested for no good reason but think it’s possible I had the Omnicron variant at the beginning of 2022.  I had a sore throat for a few days that was pretty bad and then I had a bad runny nose and sneezing for two weeks that was extremely frustrating and annoying.

Jumping back to invading a country again, that’s never been a good idea, in my opinion, and I’ve been against America invading places my whole adult life.  As a kid, not so much as I definitely liked the Hot Shots movie and that had Saddam Hussein getting blown up.  If I had an opinion about it then, I’m sure now that I would have thought it was a good thing.  We were the good guys stopping the bad guys.  Sincerely, problems are not correctly solved with guns and bombs and violence, just mutilated, lengthened and changed.

Transhumanist also reminds me of the song “In The Year 2525” and it goes off into a sci-fi dystopia of no feeling.  But it also seems having robot parts would be wonderful for the people who could use them.  There’s an honest balance with all of this stuff.  In the sequel to the movie 2001, 2010, they explain the reason the computer went nuts was because it was given contradictory instructions and that drove it crazy.  And that makes all the sense in the world.  It shows the possibility of an actual good and friendly and super intelligent AI because humans are actually that way too so they are able to create it.  It wasn’t cynical and it was optimistic.  It comes down to having faith and believing both in yourself and others.

People are still concerned about marks of the beast too.  And that’s also a legitimate concern, due to people honestly believing it.  Those funky QR codes that I hardly understand.  There was some advertisement where a person’s medical info was on one of their arms.  And that’s a red flag these people look for.  And it might mean what they think it does and it might not be what they think.  But they often head in the direction of rarely doubting their thinking in the negative outlook.

Looking at the world through the eyes of the conspiracist, following Q and believing The Plan and believing in the Cabal and believing genocide for the Great Reset is some truly horrible and twisted dark stuff.  It’s having faith in the worst of humanity, believing in the worst of human beings and holding that up highest is what it’s about.  And then throwing some kind of bone and lip service to God.  Things would look a lot different if all these followers and believers put their faith and belief in Love/God/Jesus.  Mighty different things could be powered up.  The absolute best parts of those Guidestones could be possible, the absolute best and most beneficial parts of the Bible made true and come to pass, not any of the war stuff but the Christ-Love stuff.

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