* My wonderful beautiful car has finally given up. I can't afford the repairs and it is actually cheaper for us to only have one car so we sold her for really really cheap. I hope the new owner is able to get her fixed up and back on the road where she belongs. Thank you Elinor - you were a good friend. (No I don't think it is creepy that I said that at all)
* Is it wrong that I plan to use some of the proceeds to buy the yarn I have been coveting for the peacock shall I want to do?
http://www.artfibers.com/yarn.php?yarnID=6191 (colorway 16)
http://someknitreq.com/patterns/pretty-as-a-peacock-shawl/ * I seem to be losing my touch and have been burning stuff in the kitchen a lot lately. This concerns me.
*One week until our vacation - Yay!
* I went to the dentist this week and the news isn't good. I have a fairly unpleasant few months ahead of me. *sigh*
* I have found a "new" tea I like. I think my favorite tea is still "Velvet" from
Macha but I this new mix isn't bad. I had this fruity/floral herb tea I find unpleasantly tart. I ended up mixing it with some black tea I have had for a while (I am not really a black tea fan by nature - there are a few I like and I am learning to appreciate it more but it isn't where I automatically gravitate towards). And the blend is perfect this way. I have been drinking pots of it.