Jul 03, 2008 22:38
Well, first I walked. I walked from the house, down the 800ft of elevation, mile-ish walk to downtown, where the bikeshop had finished installing the new fork that Z had GIFTED ME at the summit.
Then I biked, knobby tires humming on the pavement, about 4 miles, climbing back up those 800 ft.
Then I struck dirt at Post Canyon and rode up - no idea how high, guessing another 4 miles to Family Man, where I lollypopped and zoomed back down to pavement. And by the way, I was carrying a messenger bag that does not clip arond the belly, which is mighty inconvienent.
Then I biked on pavement again, about 3 miles, back to the local grade school, where G was watching his kid at soccer practice, and the coaches were not showing the rugrats how to do anything - parent-coaches, please at least read a book on the topic! I showed a group of 6 year olds how to do a throw in.
Then I biked home. I feel better for the exercise.