It's the end of the world as we know it...

Jun 06, 2006 16:35

Today is 6/6/06 and apparently some people have predicted the end of the world is today...*looks around* Doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon ( Read more... )

x, clamp, manga

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That's a good song. :-) anonymous June 7 2006, 15:07:05 UTC
Every time I hear that song by REM (don't know if that's the right spelling) that you used for your title I just have to attempt to sing along with it. Keyword "attampt" God those guys sing fast. lol. Oh no now it's stuck in my head! Oh well, it's better than a certain purple dinosaur's "I love you" song that I had stuck yesterday since my baby brother just had to watch Barney again for the fith time this week while I was stuck babysiting him. lol.

Yeah, people are always going nuts about the end of the world theories if anything the wold may end in 2066. Why? Well I just remembered a news report from a year or 2 back, about this really big asteroid that is coming our way. From what they said, it's about as big as Mt. Everest and should be reaching us in about 60 some years, if it isn't intercepted by Jupiter first and crashes there. They are still tracking it last I heard.
Now if that thing doesn't hit Jupiter and hits us instead it will do one of 3 things.
1. it will hit land and the force of inpact while cause huge eathquakes for miles from where it landed and out possibly triggering several volcanoes to go off without warning, which will throw tons of volcanic dust into the air bloking out the sun for who knows how long.
2. it will land in one of the Oceans causing massive Tsunamis to drown the coasts to midlands of all countries bordering said ocean. plus again probably setting off nearby volcanoes.
3. It won't hit us but the moon. And I'll leave to your imagination what it would do to the moon that is much smaller than Earth and could possibly get knocked off it axis or broken to pieces more easily than the Earth could.

Plus if that doesn't happen then and humanity is still around by the year 6666 then it would probably be the end of the world. However I highly doubt humanity will still be alive by then but all the same if anything that's the year to be even slightly worried about. That is if the people didn't translate the #s wrong and instead of it being a long line of 6 in actuality it's supposed to be 9. Some people claim that 9 shall signify the end of the world. Well if that's the case then the world won't end till year 9999 and again I highly doubt humanity will be around to see it anyway so why worry? lol.



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