It's the end of the world as we know it...

Jun 06, 2006 16:35

Today is 6/6/06 and apparently some people have predicted the end of the world is today...*looks around* Doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon...

Seriously though, we go though 6/6/06 every 1000 years and nothing has happened yet so I don't know why the crazys are acting so excited about today. Pity we can 't time travel because it would be amusing the round them all up and take them back to the year 666 and watch them really go insane.

And uh, my Internet is still whacked. It only works properly between 1am and 1pm so I don't know if I'll make it to chat tonight. I keep on getting disconnected during the day so basically the only thing I've been doing lately is download a bunch of manga at night and then read it during the day/evening.

So far I've got all caught up on Tsubasa: RC and XXXHolic (both of which I haven't read in months), finished Black Cat, read Tokyo Babylon and am halfway through X/1999 (which I soon have to take a break on since the scanlation group isn't finished with vol14 yet, which is a pity since I'm really lovin' it). Today I'm going to finish up Saiyuki, read X up to vol14 and start reading RG Veda.

I'm really starting to think that CLAMP has a thing against Subaru though, lol. Considering that in TB he gets betrayed by his lover, who also kills his twin sister, has to kill Seishirou in X and in TRC he's a vampire being hunted by Seishirou. It's like they sit around having meetings, crackling over what they can do to the poor guy next, lol. I'm not complaining though since it makes for good angst *g* but it would be nice if he and Seishirou could have a happy ending for a change. *crosses fingers for TRC since all the other previous canon couples from other stories end up happy in it*

x, clamp, manga

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