Dear Yuletide Letter

Sep 07, 2013 16:50

Dear author,

Thank you in advance for writing me a fic for Yuletide. My LJ won't be very good if you want to snoop around for extra info on what I like but my tumblr is here: which I regularly use. There's also my AO3 account, which I use a lot less.

I'm really easy to pleased and I really love all the fandoms I've selected. I've tried to give multiple prompts for each fandom (some were more successful than others) so pick the one you like best. I don't prefer any prompt over the other. They were listed as they popped into my head. The fandoms themselves are listed in alphabet order so don't worry about trying to figure out my favourite.

Any rating is fine but I prefer things with a happy ending. I'm a 'love conquers all' type of fan.

I like both gen and shippy fics. I do prefer canon pairings though so please do not include non-canon pairings unless I asked for it. In particular if you matched on X-23 please keep things gen between Laura and Remy.

Crossovers are fine as long as its with another 616 comic. For example, an X-23/Avengers Academy crossover would be totally cool but not GOTG crossing over with the MCU, Ultimates verse or any non-Marvel canon.

If you want to take something in more of an AU route that's fine. Some of the prompts might even encourage it.

Use whatever extra characters you need to use to make the story work. For example, if you matched on X-Treme X-Men and feel like you need to use Dazzler or Scott Summers, go ahead. Or if you matched on X-23 and need to use Logan or Jubilee that's cool too. Cammi, Chase or the others for Avengers Arena, the rest of the team in GOTG, etc.

The Fandoms
Avengers Arena - Nico Minoru, Nara, Cullen Bloodstone, Anachronism
You don't have to use all the characters. You can just pick whatever prompt you like the best. If you find a way to work in everyone that's cool too but not required.

1. Nico survived Murderworld, but that didn't mean the events didn't change her. Adjusting back to life with the rest of the Runaways has been difficult for her. Her powers are stronger than what they had been before and Chase is the only one of their friends who knows what it was like for them. Nico struggles to be the person she once was, but she's not sure if she wants to be that person anymore.

2. Villain of your choice resurrects Nara, turning her into a brainwashed minion. Gradually Nara's memories begin to return to her and she begins to fight for her freedom.

3. Cullen's and Aiden's relationship is in a mess after Avengers Arena. Aiden is still mourning Nara's death and blames Cullen for it. Cullen meanwhile despite almost being killed by him is still in love with Aiden. He wants to make things right between them, he just doesn't know how and Aiden isn't helping things.

Thoughts: I mean it when I say it doesn't matter to me what characters you decide to write about. I've always loved Nico since reading the Runaways and I really ended up liking the kids from the Braddock Academy which I did not expect since they new and unknown while I knew the other characters.

Since the series is over soon I fully understand that these prompts might be out-of-date by the time assignments go out. Just do the best you can if you match on this fandom.

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Guardians of the Galaxy - Peter Quill, Mantis
1. Peter is believed to have died. Mantis however is the only one who knows the truth (thanks to her precognition abilities). The problem is everyone thinks she's in denial about Quill's death. Based with only a limited knowledge with what happened to Peter and how she saves him, Mantis sets out on her own to save Quill.

2. When Mantis is attacked by an unknown virus, Peter vows to stop at nothing to save her. He's on his own though because the Guardians are needed elsewhere and time is running out.

3. Peter's love life has burned out. Even the sexy aliens don't interest him the way they use too. Sure they're hot but he gets bored with them quickly. Eventually he realizes that Mantis is the only one who holds his interest. Mantis however is not interested in jeopardizing their friendship.

Thoughts: One thing I love is how in a recent issue (or at least recent as I write this), Peter goes to Mantis as soon as something is wrong. That tells me they're still really close even though Mantis currently isn't on the team. I do ship them. If you don't want to write them that way and just want them to remain friends I'm totally cool with that too since I really like the friendship they have in canon. Only one of the prompts is really shippy so just ignore that one if you're not comfortable writing Peter/Mantis. I'm totally fine with that.

I've read (and loved) both the 2008 series and the current one so go with whatever one you're most comfortable working with. I know some people don't care for the current series or haven't read the older one but I really do love both. So work with whatever run of the series you want.

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X-23 - X-23, Gambit
1. Gambit is kidnapped and brainwashed and it's up to Laura to rescue him. Freeing him from captivity was the easy part but Laura finds it difficult dealing with a Gambit who no longer remembers her. Remy was always there for her when she needed him the most and Laura struggles with being unable to rely on him, while she finds a way to restore his memory.

2. For some reason Gambit's going away for a bit (X-Men mission, Thieves Guild stuff) and needs Laura to look after his kittens. The kittens don't really behave and mischief follows (maybe one of them goes missing). In the end the kittens decide that Laura's good for cuddling against.

3. It's Christmas time, but Laura doesn't understand the desire to celebrate. Fortunately Gambit's there to make sure she gets the Christmas she deserves.

4. Remy takes Laura to Mardi Gras. It is not the best idea he's ever had.

Thoughts: I really love the father/daughter relationship they have throughout the series. It would really be great with any of the prompts if that was an important part of the fic. I especially loved it when they were in Paris together and Laura accidentally hurt Gambit. Remy reading books all day to a distraught Laura really melted my heart.

You can ignore the kitten prompt if you haven't read Astonishing X-Men since that's where they have the most appearance/references (although they do have a cameo in Gambit #15).

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X-Factor - Rictor, Shatterstar
1. Rictor and Shatterstar drop off baby!Star and all is right again. But what happens now? They can go wherever and whenever they want. X-Factor is gone. So there's no reason to return there. So where to do they go? It's really up to you, author, what you want them to do. They could decide to stay in Mojoworld or go back to Earth.

2. Rictor and Shatterstar took their sweet time returning to X-Factor after helping Rahne find her kid. Like really took their time. What happened during that period? Did they run into another enemy that Shatterstar insisted on fighting? Did they decided to simply spend some needed time alone together?

3. PWP. Shower sex is always good. Or maybe after a tough mission or something the guys can barely keep their hands off each other and as soon as they're back in their room one of them ends up shoving the other against the wall and they just start getting it on right there. I don't care who tops or bottoms.

Thoughts: Rictor and Shatterstar were the reason I started reading comics. They still hold a special place in my heart. I love that they're such dorks. I love that even when things get tough between them they work it out. I really can't give a favourite moment between them. Maybe this one? Because it was really great when 'Star explained how much he loved and needed Rictor.

They just make me so happy.

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X-Force, Psylocke, Cluster
1. Psylocke has moved on with her life, she doesn't miss Cluster one bit. At least that's what she tells herself. When Cluster returns Psylocke doesn't know what to think. She wants to follow her heart, but she knows that could just lead to more heartache. Cluster meanwhile tries to do everything in her power to win Psylocke over.

2. Psylocke and Cluster decide they need a vacation from all the chaos surrounding their life. They decided to go away somewhere romantic (author's choice) but of course they can't get away without their past catching up to them. Maybe a villain decides to track them down, maybe Cluster just can't resist stealing something, maybe Fantomex is also vacationing at the same location. It's up to you to decides what happens.

3. Similar to Prompt #2 but nothing bad happens. It's just a cute, romantic and/or smutty vacation for Psylocke and Cluster. It doesn't even have to be a vacation, they could just be chilling at home or on a date.

Thoughts: I fell hard for Psylocke/Cluster. I keep hoping that Cluster will be returning to the series (if the upcoming covers are correct she will be). I want something where they're happy together. Something that either ignores or fixes how things ended between them. I think there's so much potential between them and since their relationship is new and brief I really don't mind what you decide to do with them.

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X-Treme X-Men - Hercules, James Howlett
1. Hercules is dead but that's not going to stop Howlett. He's going to find a way to rescue his man and nothing will stop him. I would like a happy ending where Herc and Howlett are reunited with Hercules alive once more.

2. Due to circumstances beyond their control, Hercules and Howlett end up back in their own universe. Zeus isn't pleased to see them back and fucks with either Hercules or Howlett's mind to make them forget the other. The one who does remember then stops at nothing to make things right and in the end love conquers all. (It's also okay to not use Zeus and instead use another villain).

3. PWP. Something hot and dirty. Clothes being ripped off and with Hercules and Howlett not being able to get enough of each other.

Thoughts: I didn't expect to fall for them. But it was hard not too. They're just so cute together. And you can just feel how much in love they are. Whatever prompt you use, I want a happy ending. They deserve it.
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